Southern Members... Ya'll OK?
Just checking on you guys....
My mother lives in Gallatin, TN. We were pretty worried about her. She's OK, but said it was a scary night.
Sorry but what happened?
Freaky weather, winter tornado's.
Ripped parts of Memphis to shreds.
Here is an article from TN newspaper
My wife and I were fully clothed, blankets in the tub (bathroom in center of house), wallet/purse safely stored and the local weather on tv from 3AM until 5AM. Our daughter sleeping oblivious to it all.
There were a couple tornado touchdowns about 5 miles north of us and a couple more about 30 miles south. We came out un-scathed.
It was an anxious time. The warning sirens started sounding at about 4PM here in downtown Memphis. First, torrential rain, then some pretty stiff wind. By six, the rain had stopped over downtown temporarily, as one storm line passed through. Another was still in Arkansas, headed this way.
Through the evening, TV news tracked the first storm as it spawned tornadoes across the eastern and southern suburbs of Memphis, and small towns in Tennessee and Mississippi. The city itself was mostly spared, although one older shopping mall in southeast Memphis was pretty well blasted.
No one had a comprehensive idea of the damage until this morning, and reports are still filtering in.
I'm so thankfull you're both ok. I was wondering about Daniel? I think he's located in Nashville. Hope he's ok, haven't seen him.
I have a friend in Memphis (and occasionally in Blytheville, Arkansas). I hope he's OK, thanks for the info, I'll call him tonight.
@tinanne said:
I'm so thankfull you're both ok. I was wondering about Daniel? I think he's located in Nashville. Hope he's ok, haven't seen him.
Daniel is in Knoxville and I think I saw he was online this morning.
This is a picture of one of the tornado's that hit Pisgah Alabama, 42 miles from my house.
@unknownuser said:
This is a picture of one of the tornado's that hit Pisgah Alabama, 42 miles from my house.
Anssi -
Well crap. I guess I am too trusting of my neighbors.
Sorry guys.
I was wondering why that photo did not show up on our local news...
In dubya's own words "fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice..." he loses the plot thereabout.
So yeah, consider it forgiven.