An argument of infinite proportions (pi)
@unknownuser said:
...and that 1/3 does in fact end, thats why its called a repeating, terminating decimal."
I believe that is what we call a typo
I believe it should read "does in fact NOT end, thats why its called a repeating, NON-terminating decimal.
Yeah, I slipped, it was past my bedtime.
@masta squidge said:
Please by all means message this joke to me! Unless its the one about the Special Olympics of course lol, because that is all too familiar.
Yep, that's the one.
Not that it will help, but here is a mathematical proof that pi is irrational:
@unknownuser said:
Niven's proof
The proof uses the characterization of Ο as the the smallest positive zero of the sine function. Like all proofs of irrationality, the argument proceeds by reductio ad absurdum.
Preparation: Suppose that Ο is rational, i.e. Ο = a / b for some integers a and b β 0, which may be taken without loss of generality to be positive. Given any positive integer n, we define the polynomial function
f(x) = {x^n(a - bx)^n \over n!},\quad x\in\mathbb{R},
and denote by
F(x) = f(x) + \cdots + (-1)^j f^{(2j)}(x) + \cdots + (-1)^n f^{(2n)}(x). \,
the alternating sum of f and its first n even derivatives.
Claim 1: F(0) = F(Ο)
Proof: Since
f(x)=b^n{x^n(\pi - x)^n \over n!}=f(\pi-x),\quad x\in\mathbb{R},
the chain rule and mathematical induction imply
f^{(j)}(x) = (-1)^j f^{(j)}(\pi - x),\quad x\in\mathbb{R},
for all the derivatives, in particular
for j = 1, 2, ...,n and Claim 1 follows from the definition of F.
Claim 2: F(0) is an integer.
Proof: Using the binomial formula to expand (a β bx)n and the index transformation j = k + n, we get the representation
f(x)={1\over n!}\sum_{j=n}^{2n}{n \choose j-n}a^{2n-j}(-b)^{j-n}x^{j}.\,
Since the coefficients of x0, x1, ..., xn β 1 are zero and the degree of the polynomial f is at most 2n, we have f (j)(0) = 0 for j < n and j > 2n. Furthermore,
f^{(j)}(0)={j!\over n!}{n \choose j-n}a^{2n-j}(-b)^{j-n}\quad\mbox{for } n\le j\le 2n.
Since j β₯ n, the fraction of the two factorials is an integer. The same holds for the binomial coefficient, as can be seen from its combinatorical interpretation or Pascal's triangle. Hence f and every derivative of f at 0 is an integer and so is F(0).
Claim 3:
\frac12 \int_0^\pi f(x)\sin(x)\,dx=F(0)
Proof: Since f (2n + 2) is the zero polynomial, we have
F'' + F = f.\,
The derivatives of the sine and cosine function are given by (sin x)' = cos x and (cos x)' = βsin x, hence the product rule implies
(F'\cdot\sin - F\cdot\cos)' = f\cdot\sin.
By the fundamental theorem of calculus
\frac12 \int_0^\pi f(x)\sin(x)\,dx= \frac12 \bigl(F'(x)\sin x - F(x)\cos x\bigr)\Big|_{x=0}^{x=\pi}.
Since sin 0 = sin Ο = 0 and cos 0 = βcos Ο = 1 (here we use the abovementioned characterization of Ο as a zero of the sine function), Claim 3 follows from Claim 1.
Conclusion: Since f(x) > 0 and sin x > 0 for 0 < x < Ο (because Ο is the smallest positive zero of the sine function), Claims 1 and 3 show that F(0) is a positive integer. Since
x(\pi -x) = \Bigl(\frac\pi2\Bigr)^2-\Bigl(x-\frac\pi2\Bigr)^2\le\Bigl(\frac\pi2\Bigr)^2,\quad x\in\mathbb{R},
and 0 β€ sin x β€ 1 for 0 β€ x β€ Ο, we have
\frac12 \int_0^\pi f(x)\sin(x)\,dx\le \frac{b^n}{n!}\Bigl(\frac\pi2\Bigr)^{2n+1},
which is smaller than 1 for large n, hence F(0) < 1 by Claim 3 for these n. This is impossible for the positive integer F(0).
Not that I understand it, but there it is.
Well, thanks - at least for that very last line (now I can hope I'm not alone in the universe who does not understand it).