ANES Bedroom Set (Bed, Side Table, 2 & 4 Drawer Chests)
Hi Guys,
I will post most (the ones I will be using) of the IKEA ANES Bedroom Collection by Ehlén Johansson/IKEA of Sweden. Again modeled from pictures so not fully accurate but close
I have started with the Bed, the Bedside Tables and Drawers Chest will follow. I may complete the collection if times permits.
Thanx Mike. I like the yellow bedspread too -- my most favorite colour. So cheerful.
Regards, Rossy
Here is the ANES Bedside Table. I'm not sure at all about the actual construction as the picture it was modeled from did not show how it was put together. Still I imagine it should hold up with an alarm clock
.... and here is the ANES 2 Drawer Chest. The remaining piece on this collection is a 4 Drawer Chest. It should be easy enough to cobble it together with bits and pieces from this chest. I will do it when I have a little time to spare.
Mike's the reason to be jolly falalalalaa-lalala-laaa...
Thx for sharing these (and all the others in the other threads of late).
You are welcome Juju, I have just a couple more to do, 3-4, and then I'm finished with IKEA stuff for the time being. I quite enjoyed it as they are over and done with in a short time, not like the other stuff I have to do which seems at times to go on forever
@ross macintosh said:
Thanx Mike. I like the yellow bedspread too -- my most favorite colour. So cheerful.
Regards, Rossy
You are welcome Ross. Hey, you are a bit old fashioned (like me). They call 'Bed Covers' Duvets these days! They still do the same job though
I have to laugh every time I see your Avatar .... reminds me of my dog Jock. He is doing well and up to all kinds of mischief. He even caught a large rat a couple of months ago. I happened to look out the dining room window and was horrified to see Jock (covered in blood) tossing a large rat up in the air and grabbing it again, he was having great fun. When I had I looked at him I discovered the blood was the poor rat's. I dispossed of the rat when he was busy with a bone (distraction). We have a lot of loose stone walls nearby and they have a rat population, don't like seeing them but this one was very clean and well fed. Still they have a place in Nature also.
I'm attaching a picture of Jock in full flight on our favourite walk, the 'Rocky Road', just a minute from my house. This is a wonderful walk, I will do a selection of picture sometime and post them.
..... and the final piece in the ANES Collection, the 4 Drawer Chest. I realise that the timber texture is not the same as that of the actual range. Does anyone have a texture that is close ?