A New City - A Work in Progress
Hello everybody,
I am new here and thought I would share a project I am working on for my first post. I am by no means an expert at SketchUp. This is a new city I am starting. It doesn't have a name yet. This won't be a city where the buildings' designs are determined by the textures applied. Instead, I plan to not use building textures and just design everything within SketchUp. You can see what I mean in these first images I have for you to view. I am trying for a realistic city. I'm not an architect, but I love buildings and I only use the knowledge that I have to do this. So far, I think I have been pretty accurate to real life measurements. The images are below (hosted by ImageShack.us - please click to enlarge). Feedback really appreciated. Thank you for reading.
So far, I have made this building complex. Here is a view above. On the right is the main office building. On the left is a parking garage.
From the front. The main building is 18-stories. The parking garage is 5 stories.
The entrance to the parking garage slants up to level with the height of the city block.
In between is a staircase. Only the bottom two stairwells have entrances into the main building on the right.
This is the main building. You can see each floor is in there.
Each storey is 12 feet tall with floors being 4 feet and window levels being 8 feet.
A view above everything looking down.
This one was rendered in Kerkythea and edited in Photoshop.All other images were screenshots from within SketchUp then cropped and resized in Photoshop.
Thanks for viewing.
posted by Peter
Welcome Peter...
Beautful, I like your SU style... smooth and clean. can't wait to see you fill that skyline... that's a big venture...
like kris said
welcome and nice work
Mike D
That's a cool project - indeed, very ambitious
I look forward to seeing your progress.
And welcome to the community. There are lot of great people around here who have helped me tremendously to learn some of the intricacies of SU. My advice is to feel free to ask for help and advice - there are many here who are gracious with their time and helpful with their expertise.
Nick -
I agree with what has been said and look forward to seeing your city grow.
Thank you for the welcome and comments. I have an update now.
First, I would like to tell you a little bit more about the city. The name is Sabal Island and it is located off the southeastern coast of Florida in the United States. More specifically, it is between Miami and the Bahamas, approx. 50 miles under the Bimini islands. As you can see in this image, I Photoshopped a fantasy island on a Google Earth screenshot.
(if these images are too large, please tell me and I will use the thumbnails instead)
Now here are some shots of the city. Some of these were taken at different stages, so they are not all the same progress.
This first one shows a street level view and you can see a new office tower at the intersection corner.
Here is a view looking down towards that same area about. You can see the road details were updated quite a bit in this one.
These low-rise buildings here are my latest creations for the city. The blue one on the left was the first done and it is a family-owned retail shop selling clothing and misc. households items. On the right is another retail store. These small buildings are the beginning of the high density low-rise developement to give it a traditional downtown feel with neverending touching buildings, of course with some aleyways here or there.
Now here is the latest up-to-date view of everything so far:
But I have one more image for you to view. This is a render after I made the newest office tower at the corner so the low-rises are not in it, but you can see the full detail of the new tower.
(Components such as 2d people, cars, and palm tree by Google and added in for screenshots only. They are not permanent to the city, however I plan to make my own components as the city progresses).
Thank you for viewing. Comments and suggestions (good or bad) very much welcomed. I could use some constructive criticism to make this more real if there's anything you notice. Thanks.
posted by Peter
Nice progress, Peter. And nice, clean modelling, too!
Really nice work - are you going to have some green spaces? maybe a roof garden or two.
thank you both for the comments
yes there will be some green in the future.
i plan to make my own 2d face-me trees
the next block will have a park
posted by Peter