Colored pencil style - Church project
I really like color pencil sketches and tried to incorporate it here in my latest project, a church model...
Very nice Allan!
Thanks bcoleman001
I like this one very much.
BTW, I think you're missing a T
Thanks Dave, Ooops!
That's typing while eating sorry for the typo....
(Updated image in the beginning of the thread...)
Allen, I really like that style. What is your process?
Thanks tinanne, I used Photoshop and a plugin called Sketcher.
Nice colors and style Allanx!
Allan, I was looking at that plugin again just the other day: thinking it was probably worth the price (and you've sold me so far...very nice image!). How do the other styles it offers trip your fancy? As subtle and pleasing, yet still dynamic (I'm sure that part is you're work over), as this filter?
Thanks lapx,
@ Tomdesk, I'm currently using just one style at the moment " Nice Sketch" because the others are too chaotic when I apply them...
But there are new styles at their website and I'm will download them and try them out and see if I can upload some results here...
Great use of the 'Sketcher' plugin Allan. I've long been a fan of that plugin. You are right about some of the presets being "too chaotic" -- I know exactly what you mean. However one thing to know about them is some that seem too chaotic can actually be useful if you apply to a higher resolution image. All of the sketcher effects are very resolution dependent. It actually allows you to get different effects just by using original images with ddifferent resolutions. Another tip if you are using transparencies to merge sketcher results with other images -- is that before running sketcher on a copy you can blast up the brightness or levels so the sketcher effects are applied only to the darker parts of your original image. (This stuff is hard to describe -- I wish we could get together and discuss technique over a computer and a case of beer).
Regards, Ross
Thanks Ross for the nice tips, I'll give it try....
Yeah some techniques are better demoed than said..I really don't like the taste of beer, is there are better tasting beer? I'm really looking for that...