My 1st renderings!
yeah,im very very new at this,i started 2 days ago,and i think im doing good,but,i want to know what you people think about them,here they are: are my first ones.
note:i did not make the master chief or that dragon,credit to whoever made them.
edit:guys sorry if i put this in the wrong section btw,sorry.
What did you use for rendering?
That has to be kerkythea, cause I think I have used those street lights before.
yes it is kerkythea.
Hi Chukie, chuck an omni light in 'The office' and see what a difference it makes.
Cheers and Beers,
Bill. -
can you tell me in what directiry of the components is the omni light placed in?
In Kerky select 'Insert' and on the dropdown menu select omni. But I'm just a beginner and hopefully one of the others will give you, (and me,) better information on lighting.
Cheers and Beers,
Bill. -
Hi All,
Wait a couple of days and the new SU2KT plug-in will be released...
Tomasz has been doing a really great job, and placing omni- and spot-lights inside SU will be much easier...Cheers
Kim Frederik -
We've been hearing that for months now!
Well, seriously speaking, thanks for your efforts (I mean the whole KT-Team) in making Kerky an even more useful (and better integrated) tool!
And many thanks from me to the KT team as well.
Hi All,
It's not that I want to hijack this thread, but since Gaieus wrote the following, I thought it would be a good idea to mention it here as well...
@gaieus said:
We've been hearing that for months now!
Well, seriously speaking, thanks for your efforts (I mean the whole KT-Team) in making Kerky an even more useful (and better integrated) tool!
You're welcome, Gaieus!
And I'm very pleased to announce that the new SU2KT version 3.0 plug-in has now been released..!!
Credits goes to Tomasz Marek, who have made an excellent job with this new plug-in, and the handshake with SU is even better now than it was before...!To get the new SU2KT, please visit the KT repository ...
Kim Frederik
KT Team -
Thanks, Frederik, it's been a "global announcement" in these forums for a while!
But seriously speaking; thanks for all the work for you guys over the KT-Team!