My very first SU model
It is good for start.My first tryout of motorbike was poor (but then it maked me happy when I finish it) and my sport backhoe(what stupid idea to make sport backhoe Laughing )
My trully first attempts before few years are not for publicity,someone could get hart attack form smileying.And lucky me they are in apartment in other town when I was studying so they are not reachable
that is one tough looking Backhoe... I'd take that to a car show anyday... and mangle my competition.
Well, it wouldn't have been me if I hadn't started with some historic reconstruction:
The main building still exists - only the minare (tower) and the entrance parts are gone:
Somewhat it's out of proportions a bit (I did not measure - this was just a playaround for me).
ok what's the story with the tower? did it used to be there? and was blown up or fell over? or is that your addition... beautiful model btw...
It fell down some time in the late 1700s and then was replaced by a belltower and other baroque additions were also made. These were removed at the time of the reconstruction (and then the columns of the portico were also found so we now know how high it was).
An old image from before the reconstruction:
You guys are very talented indeed! Here's my first model...
(I don't really have the time to create the models I want, although I have a lot of ideas and a few that are half-complete currently...)
- CraigD
- CraigD
Here is my first model
ahahahhaah oh that cracked me up...
did that take you a long time?
Daniel... stop. That is funny.
I am a bit embarassed to show my first model, that is if I still have it. However it did get me a job. The architect I interviewed with told me about SU so I went home and downloaded the 8 hour trial (v2) and in 6 hours had a building skin done. I shot him some images and he hired me then and there.
I will try to find it tonight.
LOL!! That one got me!!
Ok, it's not my FIRST model...but.
P.S. Bryce is a good friend and I've made a bunch of "Bryces" (or is it a bunch of "Bryce" as plural??) that I occasionally post around the office...
Oh, you gotta post those models Craig!
link for sport backhoe in models section -
My first model was the Forum and Markets of Trajan in Rome, that one that my classicist friends (who have posted at various points in this forum) are developing for their projects.
@lewiswadsworth said:
My first model was the Forum and Markets of Trajan in Rome, that one that my classicist friends (who have posted at various points in this forum) are developing for their projects.
Pedro, ha? link
That's amazing and I miss his posts...
And Matthew, too:
Oh, yes. How could I forget?
Great stuff! -
My first real model (not including the guy on a brick wall model
Here are my first two SU models rendered in Vue the same day I modelled them. Both were just huts made fooling around and trying to understand how flexible SketchUp could be. I had fooled around with Vue prior to that but just for a few hours. This was the first time I imported something into Vue and gave it an 'environment'. (It is very easy when you can just build an imaginary environment in Vue. Much harder to do one representing an actual place).
I had fun and was hooked on SketchUp
Regards, Ross
this was my first.... makes me cringe when i see it now
this is my first one. it is part of a competition project for a town and civic center in brasil (posted here in may - i remember exchanging a few messages with gaeius about it). what you see is the basic building unit without the louvers specific to each position in which it was used (in all there were about 15).
must say is very badly organized. at that point i had not discovered one must draw always on layer o...