Steam Engine- Working Model in SketchyPhysics
Just a few pics of this working model of a steam engine I did using SketchyPhysics- the model is posted in the SketchyPhysics subforum.
As I explain there, it's not finished and probably never will be, but I thought I may as well post it for others to play with.
Wow !!!!this is very cool :thup: :thup:
These are the objects that I like
thank you -
Nice Jackson.
Did you purposefully blurr the image in certain areas to make it look as though it was a photograph focused in the center? Nice effect.
Thanks Eric,
The best thing about it (if I may say so
) is setting it going using the SketchyPhysics plugin- it's great fun watching it slowly start moving before getting up to full speed.
The blur is done using Lewis' brilliant SU Fog/Styles trick to create a depth map from SU and then copying that to the alpha channel in PhotoshopCS3 and applying the "Lens Blur" filter to select the focal distance and depth of field.