SU 2 modo test
Good to see you took the test Stinkie.
I tried the demo some months ago.
As a modeler it looked really complex to start and I got the feeling Modo is not really meant for architecture modeling (dimensions?). After some hours I gave upI guess the ease of use of Sketchup has spoilt me...
From what I have seen as rendered output, Modo seems to do a pretty fine job on rendering though... -
You’re right it’s not explicitly meant for arch viz - SU’s far more efficient for that. Hence the ‘SU translator’. As far as rendering goes, it’s good, though.
As you can surely tell, I’m not all that great at texturing and lighting just yet, but I’ve rendered some fairly complex test scenes on an 8 core machine, and I must say: modo delivers good quality at blazing speeds.
Biggest downside is indeed modo’s complexity. I’m putting in two 12 hour days a week to learn how to use the app at a decent level, and I’m pretty sure it’ll still take me many, many (many, many ...) months.
Nevertheless: I’m intruiged by it.
Let's see how Podium V2 compares to it ...
Stinkie, my experience with Modo is similar to yours. I've been trying for months to get to a base level of ability but slow slow progress. Really not very usefull for architecture. I would think just about every modeler would want to put good inferencing and snapping like SU in their application.
I do think Modo is a good piece of work and the render engine is fast and potentially usefull to me.
"I would think just about every modeler would want to put good inferencing and snapping like SU in their application."
Aye, that's one the things about SU I simply love. Would be better if the boys at Google would make SU able to handle high poly models, though.
That would be ... drooling
Yes, Modo sucks for modeling architecture. The tools just aren't there despite what Lux might claim.
The new beta translator has problem importing models. It will sometimes take three or four times for model to come in properly. It doesn't not handle "round" well yet. Faceted edges on curves come in as individual polys so there is no smoothing once in Modo. There must be a way you can merge geometry, but I haven't messed with it.
Also, there are times that the imported geometry cannot by selected. It's very strange and seems to import duplicate geometry with some odd icons. None of this geometry can be selected using poly, edges or vertices. I just keep reimporting and eventually it will work properly.
On the plus side Modo's renderer is fast, very fast. And the basic animation tools for movies work well too. Modo's speed is especially helpful with rendering animations.
The SketchUp to Modo pipeline works pretty well using objs. I would stick to this for the meantime for any serious work.
Jeff --
You forgot the most important thing about the modo-SU import plug-in: they charge $99 for it...
"Also, there are times that the imported geometry cannot by selected. It's very strange and seems to import duplicate geometry with some odd icons. None of this geometry can be selected using poly, edges or vertices."
Yeah ... I've noticed that. Very annoying. Lux better get that sorted out before the official version of the translator is released.
As for the 99 $ - I really don't care. But I do expect everything to work as it's supposed to.
"Lux need to work the importer so it only opens the SketchUp layers that are turned currently turned on. That would be a help."
I agree, that would be great. Come to think of it, you'd expect a feature like that for the price they're charging.
@tim danaher said:
Jeff --
You forgot the most important thing about the modo-SU import plug-in: they charge $99 for it...
Tim, You never looked better!
As for the the 99 bucks, yea I don't WANT to pay for it, but if it saves a lot of time then I don't mind.
As an edit to my above post:
Lux needs to rework the importer so it only opens the SketchUp layers that are currently turned on. That would be a help. -
@jeff jacobs said:
@tim danaher said:
Jeff --
You forgot the most important thing about the modo-SU import plug-in: they charge $99 for it...
Tim, You never looked better!
As for the the 99 bucks, yea I don't WANT to pay for it, but if it saves a lot of time then I don't mind.
Forceps delivery. What can you do, huh?
As an aside, I recently had a look at Microspot Interiors Pro...this small firm has added native .skp import to the program (for free), and it works flawlessly...everything comes in just as it should, even my largest models. Why can't a slick organisation line Luxology get this right?
And Martin is looking into adding native .skp support for Cheetah, now that the SDK is freely available. An .skp in a Smart cool would that be?