Pirate day be aproachin'
Arrrg. Missed that one matey.
"Norm"? Doesn't sound like a Pirate's name to me.
Try your full name, seeing as I don't know it.
LOL. I did my 3-part name. I think I'll stick with "Norm" (Although, they kinda go together).
Not-So-Keen-On-the-Womenfolk Bailey
A little joke for you:-
Why are pirates called pirates?
Because they arrrrrrrr!
Agnostic Sully Morgan -
Richard . . just a guess . . but your British and you watched CBBC last week?
@stuartb said:
Richard . . just a guess . . but your British and you watched CBBC last week?
British, yes
watched cbbc last week, no -
This be comin' up soooon so ye be ready.
Snifflin' Hannibal Teach
(aka Cap'n Harvey Graybeard) -
Arrr. The day be here. Guard ye belongin's as the pillagin' begins.
Arrr. Or rather... Rrrrowwww.
Sorry, just felt like yelling.