A fun little game.
Granted, but either way you will still eventually end up in diapers.
I wish I could have one project pass the State Fire Marshal's review on the first submission.
Granted but your building catches fire the week it is open and burns completely to the ground.
I wish that I was not plagued with O.C.D. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
Granted but now my wife is and she is driving me nuts.
I wish I had not answered my own post.
Granted, but now you can't answer any posts...not even in a correct sentence.
I wish I could video tape aliens without being probed.
Granted, but the second you stop recording they will probe you.
I wish I were proficient in rendering apps.
Granted but now nobody likes CG.
I wish my cat would stop chasing the mouse cursor and walking on my keyboard.
Granted...but now it lies on the side (like mine) and block the fan so you overheat and lockup (like mine).
I wish time was in step with life: two steps forward, one step back.
Granted, not granted.
I wish I could stop spending hours designing things and then have the client change their minds at the last minute.
granted, but you no longer have any clients, or any work.
I wish women were easier to understand.
Granted,women are replaced with SU. Hmm strange how not many women contribute to this forum.
I wish I could justify starting my working day by playing this game.
Granted, get to work an hour early and get to it.
I wish that mouse had not used my left jobsite boot as a bathroom.
Granted, instead it used the right one.
I wish I never had to sleep (unless I wanted to), had a choice of how many hours I work in a week, made at least 20 dollars an hour, had no taxes, and everything else in my life stayed the same.
(good luck with that)
Granted. You don't have to sleep. But you die from exhaustion after a week, so the rest is moot.
I wish I had today off, with pay.
Granted, but now you have to work all weekend without pay.
I wish I wasn't so tired today.
Granted, but now you are awake 23.5hrs everyday
I wish I could stop following this post (cracking me up)
Granted, but now you have to stay up 23.5 hrs a day with me.
I wish I was done with my work so I could go play.
Granted, but you have nowhere to go
I wish rubber chickens could fly
Granted, but now rubber chickens are being shot and killed for their rubber and made into clothing.
I wish society wasn't so concerned with my life.
Granted, but now your name is Ricky Martin
I wish rubber chicken skin was in fashion
Oh my gawd, me too...so yeah...granted! But now you can never take it off.
I wish I could see to the outskits of the universe.