Animated avatar
I made for my avatar animated gif and I guess it works,so if anyone want some gif animations just tell me ,I will make them.
Ivica, now your avatar is even more creepy, and I love it
look who is talking
now, google got on your nerves,eh?
I guess I do look maybe to nervous
You think that's creepy, but I've know Ivica for a long time...that's what he really looks like. Jack's got one of those tribal looking red tattoos on his face and shakes from motorbike adreneline and coffee!!!
(Seriously Ivica, I love the Avatar - it's great, and scarier than mine!!)
I am glad you are all scarred,
.I acctually look like shaun described me but not from outside,I look from iside like that
you have to give us then your actual outside look , Ivica
How is it that I can't see the animated avatar? My profile display setting has everything ticked.
There is an error somewhere.
This thread must of be from 2.007.In any case, where is your avatar Ivica ?
When threads are moved from the old forum to the new it gets entered as the date it was moved here.
Yeah, it's an "old topic" transferred from the old board. In his announcement Coen mentioned that the original post dates wouldn't (cannot) be transferred.