I like that Juliette balcony. I am working on one too.
Very nice, glad to see you posting again.
Canoek, I like the technique and the rich colors. Great job!
Simply wonderful...!
thanks hank - post yours when your done.
thanks boo - wild card weekend! whoohoo!
thanks tina - coming from you that truly is a compliment.
thanks loewenkatze - how do you stay so skinny? everytime i see you - you are eating. -
How I do stay so skinny...? At the very same moment where you stop looking I stop eating - that's the trick. It works...
no, it isn't... it is a roasted piece of someone who dared to critisize some of my work...
but - mum's the word!
got it. but there you go again - what is that? a leg of a t-rex?
uh, roger that. i won't tell - promise.
just don't eat me -
Hi everybody, can anyone direct me to any applications I can export SU for further photo realistic renderings? I tried podium & kerky but really took a long time.
@__ssim__: Well, I guess Podium, with the built in plugin, is one of the "easiest" rendering application that exists with SU.
@__canoek__ Really cool renders. Could have been some nice Christmas cads
hey ssim -
i think you can export to most any rendering application from su. i mostly use su and ps - so i couldn't really answer any specifics on render times or which is better - but i'm sure some one here can.
here is a link to the su plugins for direct exports to render apps - maybe that might help you:
also this thread might be of interest to you:
good luck,