3ds Max finish for SU model
You have me nearly drooling here. Fine job and very pro.
I know lots of colleague architects and engineers nearby who won't come close to half of what you have accomplished in this sense. Your flyaround presentation is great. I saw the other one in the website too.
You can really say you are contributing with the Historic memory of your country. That's the best heritage you can leave to your kin.
Congrats and best regards,
(I... think I know whom I shall hire for a large job I have in mind... in astral time, that should be
Thanks Odlanier, I did (still actually do) really like this project myself - though I was kind of unexperienced with such huge models. I'd do a lot of things differently now just to speed up and make my workflow easier.
Just a shot of the old Franciscan church and monastery.
It was later turned into a mosque (under the Turkish reign) and later re-converted to a church again. Today it's a baroque church with a kind of classicist rebuilding from outside (the sanctuary has been put onto the other - wester - end of the church and a northern aisle was also added).
Franciscan Church render...Is that Max render? Very nice....I like the atmosphere. It looks like you have been using vignetting. The grass looks very realistic.Not sure about the scale of the roof tiles though. They look a bit on the big side.
edit: of course it is bloody Max it says in the name of the tread
Hi sepo,
yes, the roof tiles are a bit bigger than in the "real world" they should be but when we were experimenting with the real sizes, they just didn't show at all.
This is a little "cheat" for the sake of the appearance (the final "visitors" won't look at it with an expert eye like yours
Your work is impressive Gaieus
I am downloading the videos now.
Don't forget that this was a "team work" - I'm just "learning" max now...
(plus I don't have an own copy so I gan only put my hand on it when doing it at the "team's" office)
I told you about balawat, no?
Why don't you register into their forums to ask them for help?
They are spanish, like me, but try to speak them in english. Perhaps they may speak with you. They use 3D Max:
I have told them that I will register there when their work about the roman theatre of Cartagena is public, in a few months (now is closed).
Yes, I saw them...
But my hungarian is a bit rusty, sorry
(I know that is a offtopic, but my chorintian capital is taking the right way
@pichuneke said:
But my hungarian is a bit rusty, sorry
Hey wait a minute - I linked the Spanish version here!
yeah, I've seen that you started in the right direction with that capital...
Now I don't understand you - I didn't link the Hungarian pages but the Spanish!
Yeah, I've seen the new capital image, too.
Ok. I thought you had post some links in hungarian, but I only saw the spanish ones that you showed me some time ago
Ah, OK then...
I didn't understand what you wanted to tell me with the hungarian link.
I am going to post a photo in the theatre thread with the actual capital. It will be about 230 kb at the moment, I did something wrong with the actual columns (they are too big, in fact I repeated them 3 times, I didn't know anything about components at that time
), so I can reach the 500 kb (but I don't think that happens).