Looks like Google doesn't need SketchUp anymore...
Hm... Interesting. But considering that Google can't even cope with the image overlays in GE (there are so many places with extremely blurry images) on one hand and considering the very "general" accuracy of the terrains everywhere on the other, I doubt that this 3D World will soon be created. And even then what about the "sides" of the buildings? Will they be handpainted?
Long time ago I also wonder about SketchUp future on Google's hands
I want to ask if somebody knows and can share this informations, how many people left from the original development stuff of SU from @Last days, and if he thinks that the original code is at his limits, so further progress is difficult.
Maybe they'll sell it on to AutoDesk.
Regarding personell; There have been a few changes in management and the public interface side, but I'd be very surprised if the majority of developers weren't still there....doing what they've always done. Quite a few of the people in San Antonio the other week were the same people that were in Boulder, at Base Camp, when it was still @Last.
@alan fraser said:
Maybe they'll sell it on to AutoDesk.
bite your tongue!please no, God forbid.
I think a lot of us are wondering what will become of SU, it remains to be seen, but I just hope the @last guys left themselves a backdoor for picking up the SU torch when Google throws it out the back door replacing it with the next best thing.
which isn't always a bad thing, as long as one can remove all the unwanted menus, but I side with Fletch here and hope @Last left themselves a back door open incase their hard work gets thrown by the wayside.
That's British irony, Walter. The most likely thing would be that they would canibalise it for parts...to make a napkin-sketch Plugin for ACAD...then just ditch the remaining dried husk altogether. After all, you can't have people designing stuff on a free or $500 piece of software when they could be using ACAD.