What do you guys think is hidden in here?
I just found this link in the Pro Groups Forum and immediately thought it was some kind of spam. But have a look: host.2freedom.com/ (you can imagine I'd not spam these forums here
I don't understand- where was this link? In a post? It's just a webhosting site, nothing sinister.
I'll bet ya that they will very eagerly sell any information that you put up there, whither it be passwords or email addresses, names or contacts, hidden or not, to those who will pay for it.
Aaah, I didn't read it properly- a FREE webhosting site. I bet there's no catch at all!
@unknownuser said:
I'll bet ya that they will very eagerly sell any information that you put up there, whither it be passwords or email addresses, names or contacts, hidden or not, to those who will pay for it.
Yeah, there's a chance for sure...
Wise old saying: "If it sounds too good to be true, IT IS!