Pagesmoother et al
I noticed a series of tools at Smustard
The pagesmoother looks intriguing (along with the others). Does anyone know of animations/videos that have been created using these tools. I'm curious to see the actual effect of the smoothing. -
Me too!
the page smoothing works by changing the transition times between scenes so that your camera is moving at a constant speed... this is great when you are doing an animation where you are relatively the same distance away from the objects you are looking at, but it gets to be a problem when you are trying to zoom in on a site from far away then walk around in the site (you will either be way too slow getting to the site, or you will fly around way too fast when you're close to things). The fix is smoothing the animation in sections where you want to move faster at larger scale factors, then manually change page times in between the sections to smooth out the change of speed in between.
there is also a problem when your view rotates a lot between scenes that are close together in position- your "feet" move at the same speed in a straight line, but your view will whip around really fast. Again you have to fix this by manually changing the page time.
i would say that despite those two things too look out for, the presentation bundle is a great tool to help you set up an animation faster.
That was a great explanation!
When I have time, I want to fix the rotational speed issue, but with our first baby due in 4 weeks, time is at a premium (and likely will be, for a while). When it does get fixed (and I do intend to fix it), I'll post the update notice here and on Smustard's news section.
I'll also try to get a sample worked up that shows before/after movies of PageSmoother.
Thanks, that's helpful.
Thanks mirjman, I was wondering what it did.