A very useful perspective correction tool
A few days ago we came across Perspective pilot. It is very useful for knocking the perspective out of building photos so that they are nicely squared up for SU models.
Really simple to use. You just draw some lines over what should be straight vertically and horizontally and it straightens it up. The more lines you draw the more accurate it gets. It seems to do a better job than PS or Gimp's perspective and distort tools as it actually seems to resample the pixels. Oh and its only $20. So although not meeting my usual criteria of "Is it free?", it's near enough.
Perspective Pilot (+ Plugin) – correct perspective on photos - Two Pilots - Useful software for everyday needs
Perspective distortions often appear in the architectural building photography and urban landscape photography. Such distortions arise from taking an urban landscape using a wide-angle lens and also may be caused by inappropriate aspect angle. Perspective Pilot is specially designed software for perspective correction of a photo: Photo © Simon Joinson, www.dpreview.com Godalming, Surrey, United …
Two Pilots - Useful software for everyday needs (www.colorpilot.com)
Thanks Jon,
That looks really useful!!
Stu -
I don't know guys if you know GML Undistorter - a nifty, little freeware which does something similar, too (I cannot compare the two softwares though).
They have other small but useful plugins as well -
Gaieus, that looks good also.
It does however seem to correct barrel distortion cause by fisheye type lenses rather that linear distortion.[The poor quality of the doctored image is due to my low res. screen capture rather than the application itself]
Yes, that's pretty much possible. I haven't really used it for a while and I'm not posting from home where I have it at the moment...
It goes along "GML Texturizer" (a SU plugin) where you can adjust the image anyway...
GML is a great little app. thanks