Industrial Kitchen Equipment
Okay - Now I know that we don't want to be posting tonnes of stuff here right yet - but as my first act of kindness, I have some industrial kitchen equipment that I would like to share. I have had it for quite some time now, and the project is as good as finished - Big thanks to Ron for the Industrial Dishwasher - it was really good with some modding.. when the client saw the kitchen... I heard him say.."now that looks legit!" so I guess that's good...!
I was holding on to them for the right time... I guess I felt like there were too many who would benefit in the other forum, that I wasn't sure I wanted to.. and I know others feel some form of ownership on something they create - that's why we don't post everything we make...!!!
Seeing the giants on this forum already warms the cockles of my heart (always wanted to say that) and this seems to feel like I imagine the old forum to feel like in the years before I came on board... very nice and great and other nondescript nice words like cool and neat-oI will not post the models yet until I get the picture that the site is stable, there isn't too much traffic or storage etc... but I would mention my email visuals3d <AT> gmail <dot> com if anyone needs/wants these right away. I am still working on my modelling and have realised 2 things:
- I am a perfectionist
- I will never achieve it!
I had great intentions on all of these, they were each built with specs from the manufacturers pdf info sheets but I would be surprised if they were perfect. Please let me know how to improve in the future if you request these.. thanks!
I have:
Cleveland Tilting Skillet
Hobart 30Qt Floor Mixer
Vulcan VG260 Range
Vulcan Convection oven V66G (double)
Frymaster MJ-35 Deep fryer
Cona Rotary ToasterWhat's a good party without food!!
(I also posted because I see father Christmas is ahead of me in posts!!!
poster-Shaun Tennant
Hi Shaun, I'd be very interested in seeing your Industrial Kitchen as I used to work in one many moons ago and it would be great to see how you model the equipent in SketchUp.
Hi Shaun, as Bill said seeing the equipment will be a bonus. I just got into the SU thing (although I've used it a little in the past) and having access to industrial kitchen equipment will be great, seeing that one of my clients do a lot "family restaurants" and modelling these accurately will be a big plus.
@shaun tennant said:
Okay - Now I know that we don't want to be posting tonnes of stuff here right yet - but as my first act of kindness, I have some industrial kitchen equipment that I would like to share.
Hello Shaun,
Just to let you know that I will be here for a long time and I will be posting my components here so there is no need to hold back. I believe that this forum will do very well. Just take a look at the members that are signed up (some you did not see for a long time) and I am sure there will be a better atmosphere compared to the old fourm. -
Oh, yeah, sorry Ron - actually I expect to be quite free with my stuff - I had planned to post it all to the old forum once I had the job finished - some might actually remember my toaster with the render and toast that I posted as a teaser a couple of months ago. I am not concerned about giving and not getting, I'm not concerned about my stuff being used willy-nilly - I would be pleased as punch to see that my stuff was good enough to be used in some of anyone's work in here... i guess I'm just concerned about bandwidth and storage. I had 198 things posted on the old forum and never blinked an eye - but If we all post our crap right away - how terrible if we crashed Coen's site - and being so conciensous, I could think that he would pay out of his own pocket to continue for this month if we made the traffic too high. I will post when we are sure that we aren't going to hurt Coen - but till then - email me or pm me and I will email the parts to you.. probably wouldn't hurt to post an image at least though I guess - maybe tomorrow..
<anyone else notice that I use too many hyphens and triple-periods instead of forming proper sentances..? - guess i should work on that>
poster-Shaun Tennant