Image attachment size...
...? Anybody found the new rules? I just posted one 799 wide and part of it was cut off on the right side. Played till I found 700 was the max width without losing part of the image...?
Yea, I ran into that, the max file size for uploads is 19 Kb
.I really hope that will change.
I uploaded a skippy and was told the max file size was 512K. I cleaned it a bit to 500K and it went up just fine.
I ran into the same thing - maximum file size 19kb. When i reduced my image down to that size, it was rediculously small.
Have you guys tried using Kelley's server? No file size restrictions there, faster uploads too. You just have to have an image to be presented in your post down to a max pixel size...which I was trying to determine.
I think the powers that be said someday (must be now) the attachment restrictions will have to force most to use Kelley's server to save space and speed here...?
No, Tom, I haven't; it was always easier to attach an image/file at the forum. But I will give it a try. Thanks for your help.
You are right, guys, sorry for that.
The image upload file size will be fixed (512 - as most of the attatchments here and in the old forums). I've been adding different "allowed" extensions lately (*.style, *.skp, *.rb etc.) but in the rush I often forget to correct the file sizes for each (for some reason the system allows 19kb as default for everything).
The cropping of the images on the right is a known issue. We have set 800pix wide images to be allowed to link (with the [img] tags) for otherwise a bigger image would push the borders of the forum way aside on the right.
This is the same as on the other board.
Still there is something in the css (style sheet) file that causes this (while the avatar side of the post is wider than needed).Trying to fix this, too. They were first very apparent with solos posts (old forum link here - the new forum posts are not yet all "attributed" to all of the original posters due to their not having registered yet).
BTW, English speakers, does this latter sentence make sense? I often get lost in my own, difficult sentences...
Perfect sense...I am constantly amazed how you multi-lingual guys do it so well!
@tomsdesk said:
Perfect sense...I am constantly amazed how you multi-lingual guys do it so well!
Well, nowadays it's easier (and way faster) for me to type in English than in my native Hungarian (and there are more, funnily "accented" vowels in my langhuage that are placed in odd places on the keyboard...). The sentence syntax of English is much more flexible than Hungarian. Sometimes I give myself hard times when I write something in English and eventually I need to translate it into Hungarian...
Well, I fixed the attatchment sizes as "general". Please, check if with certain extensions it is less than 512kb (special settings override general settings.
Gaieus, your writen English is one hell off a lot better than mine and it is my only language! You are doing a bloody good job mate. (Thats Kiwi English).
Cheers and Beers, Bill. -
Well, Coen keeps correcting me all the time (though he makes mistakes, too
And of course at around 3 a.m. my syntax tends to get ununderstandable...BTW that's not exclusively Kiwi though...