Grain Auger... Help
Hi, Ive been working with Sketchyphysics for about 3 days now and have not been able to figure this one out. Im trying to make a "grain auger" type thing. Just take a look at the skp and you will see what i am talking about. Anyways, the problem is that I cant seem to find a shape that sketchyphysics knows what to do with.
Ive tried doing this several different ways but nothing seems to be working.
I am looking for ideas on how I can make this work.
Its purpose will be to get some balls from the bottom of a course to the top of it (roller coaster type idea)
Thanks for any input you can give, great fun here building my version of your bridge
P: trsix
You need to make the "blade" out of a bunch of boxes. Here is an example by Google Guy from 3dwarehouse:
ahh, now i see how its done. what i wasnt doing was creating a bunch of convexhull shapes and then grouping them together.
thanks for that tip, now im on the right track
P: trsix