[Request] Component sampler?
Hi All
Anyone know of a tool/plugin which allows you to sample a component in the model and then immediately place an instance anywhere else in the model?.. in the same way the paint tool works when you sample a colour on screen then the tool tip changes to the bucket to allow painting. Searching the forum and plugins library has not yielded anything.
Something along these lines?
As far as I know, the closest is http://www.smustard.com/thanks/ApplyTo - Get Definition, Apply Definition.
It would be nice to have such a simple and effective plugin.
Maybe sdmitch have made something: http://sdmitch.blogspot.se/
If he haven't, he will now
Thanks for your replies guys. Didn't find those plugins before because their names don't relate to my search keywords. Canvas is the only one anything like what I was after but it isn't maintaining the glueing plane of my components. I have also had a 'Doh!' moment- I can copy and paste the component. Not something I have ever done before so didn't think of it at first. Not as convenient a method but works.