Gravel grass aka schotterrasen planted hard surfaces
Hi, I'm trying to get schotterrasen e.g. (translates to 'gravel turf' in English) type surfaces installed in New Zealand as, to my knowledge it hasn't been done here yet. I know enough to design them and get them constructed - I just want to know more about their success in tougher applications.
Are you aware of installations in your region? If so what is your opinion of them, especially from a designers point of view - e.g. an industrial/commercial user's pov. Are you aware of any used in more industrial situations e.g. freight parks, industrial areas, highway shoulders, electricity substations etc.
Gravel turf/grass / schotterrasen goes by many names and is always a proprietary mix of layered aggregates, designed for a specific combination of uses, site and climate. Their advantages include low cost versus pavers/asphalt/concrete; the ability to completely and quickly recycle; high porosity in urban drainage cases; reduced heat-island effect and they are grassed so result in seamless landscapes.