[REQ] change all components to groups
Happy Holidays! Hey is there a plugin to change all the components in a drawing or selection to Groups???
@pbacot said:
Happy Holidays! Hey is there a plugin to change all the components in a drawing or selection to Groups???
A one-liner for component instances in a selection
mod=Sketchup.active_model;ent=mod.active_entities;sel=mod.selection;cis=sel.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance);mod.start_operation "ToGroup";cis.each{|ci|ent.add_group(ci);ci.explode};mod.commit_operation
Oh thanks! Happy New Year!
It does work.
What I have is nested components from CAD, which are no use for me in the SU model as components, except as reference. Still I must go into each level (context) to find the components. The components clutter the component list and probably make the file heavier.
@pbacot said:
It does work.
What I have is nested components from CAD, which are no use for me in the SU model as components, except as reference. Still I must go into each level (context) to find the components. The components clutter the component list and probably make the file heavier.
Would you want to change the nested components into groups also or just explode them?