Koch fractal + SketchUp + Keyshot. A very simple render
How did you model those Fractals? an application? any link?
Only sketchup the model It's very simple, There are only two shapes in the picture: spheres and thetraedrons only changes size and positions and of curse a lot of components
But the conposition and the idea of blending the koch and the circular fractals are mine
Thanks for explanation
Nice example of SU components fractal power. I find it interesting in "fractalazing" architectural structure...
You can make easily fractal structures process with Protrude or here Suforyou Faces2components
Very nice eldar. Clean and simple, yet interesting.
Thanks for the comments. Here's another pic
And for the fractal program cuestion: ¿Have you tried 3D Mandelbulber? it looks fantastic but i never tried...
This one online seems also very promising!