Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Cheers Oli! Yeah, you can use kayfun with just the chimney, but we had dripping atomizers (most of us) for testing all those flavours. I gave up, after changing the wicks for like five times. Everyone had their favourite flavour, but it was so hard to feel anything after 10 different flavours. I was hunting for the perfect tobacco flavor, but again, nothing came close to the one I'm using for a year now. It's called Ace N1 from Actually, I found ecig flavours to be the best for me. By the way, "ecig" is a brand from Greece, not the abbreviation from the "electronic cigarette". I tried brands like Twisted, John Smith`s Tabacco, FlavourArt, Perfumers Apprentice. I'm yet to try Inawera. It's so hard to recommend a flavour, because choosing the right flavour is so subjective for each individual. We had like two "Bambies" with us, and it was so refreshing to see their interest in everything they touched and tasted.
If I have to recommend you something, I would say go for Twisted, knowing what you like to vape. They are from Germany, and the quality is high. But I know the finest e-liquid is produced in UK, so I think you're ok
I also noticed, almost everybody's interest over box mods. I can't tell why, but I hate them. Maybe because that shape it reminds me about a pack of cigarettes. Ooh, and almost all of us, we had Japanese cotton with micro-coil in our setup. Changing the wicks is super easy, I can't believe you didn't tried yet.
I'm still reading this thread from time to time (from the page one), and I think we had an amazing journey so far. I'm still answer "Oliver from Manchester" , when I am asked what droved me into vaping. So Cheers to you! -
@stefanq said:
I also noticed, almost everybody's interest over box mods. I can't tell why, but I hate them. Maybe because that shape it reminds me about a pack of cigarettes. Ooh, and almost all of us, we had Japanese cotton with micro-coil in our setup. Changing the wicks is super easy, I can't believe you didn't tried yet.
I'm still reading this thread from time to time (from the page one), and I think we had an amazing journey so far. I'm still answer "Oliver from Manchester" , when I am asked what droved me into vaping. So Cheers to you!Thanks for the recommendations. I rarely buy premixed liquid.....but when I do, I try and replicate the same flavour with my own ingredients. I just know everything I vape is safe when I mix it myself. Plus DIY liquid is 3-5 times cheaper for me than buying off the shelf. I buy premixed for ideas.
I will have a look at Twisted cheers.
Most of the liquid in the UK comes from China, but you do find some shops selling their own stuff which is wonderful! It's a good idea to stay away from petrol station and corner shop E-Liquids; all chinese crap with impurities. Or they have LOTS of sweetener in which makes the liquid go brown/red. My liquid stays clear to the very last drop.
I have found Italian flavours can be very good but the Inawera (from Poland) and Tasty Puff (American) ones are my favourite. But you like tobacco flavours so that doesn't really help. The only tobacco flavour I have enjoyed is one called Silky, I still vape it from time to time or add a couple of drops to my atty.
Yeah I should try some micro coils but my Provari voltage doesn't go low enough. I normally make a 1.6-1.9 ohm coil. They last me three weeks or so before I get hardly any vapour. Still using ekowool. In fact, I am on the same piece of wool from almost 2 years ago, still have the same roll of wire too! Very cost effective.
I'm cutting down to 6mg, thanks for the kick up the arse!
12mg feels like too much now. Makes my head spin with a new coil lol
Haha "Oliver from Manchester"....the guy who introduced me was a taxi driver! He said "have a few puffs on this" in his car and I was sold immediately. So if I ever see him again I will give him a big handshake.
Nearly 13,000 views on this thread now....hopefully it has encouraged many others to kick the habit.
2 years smoke free for me!
I bet that room smelled nice with all that vape wafting around. Did other people look at you with suspicion, or is vaping generally accepted where you are ?
March 10 will officially mark my first anniversary. Interestingly, I rarely ever feel the urge to want to smoke a stinky stick any more..!
@gareth said:
I bet that room smelled nice with all that vape wafting around. Did other people look at you with suspicion, or is vaping generally accepted where you are ?
March 10 will officially mark my first anniversary. Interestingly, I rarely ever feel the urge to want to smoke a stinky stick any more..!
Good work mate, do you feel better for it?
You will slowly disassociate vaping from smoking, they are like two completely different things in my eyes.
In Englad vaping is hugely popular. There are vape shops popping up everywhere and people don't look at you funny any more.
Even the senior generation are picking up on it, I've seen a few vaping grannies!
When I was shopping I noticed the price of the cigarettes I used to buy.....Β£9.16 for a pack of 20!!! ($14) No wonder everyone is vaping!
Yep, I definitely feel better for it.
There was a time last year when I felt the occasional urge to smoke, but that has pretty much disappeared now.
I think I have had 3 or 4 stinky sticks in the past 12 months but haven't been able to get past a few puffs of each...and I hated it each time I did it...!
So I won't include those occasional indiscretions in marking my anniversary in a couple of weeks
12 months is up...finally chalked up a milestone...!!
Well done Gareth! It feels really good, doesn't it? Cheers mate!
Thanks mate.
Yes it does feel good....although it would feel even better if I hadn't cheated a couple of times along the way....!!
Don't worry Gareth....everyone quits in their own way. You shouldn't feel bad for having had a cigarette or two in the process. I recently helped another person 'quit' using a vape and he still smoked 4 cigarettes a day....down from 20 a day. He feels disappointed with himself but I told him he should be proud. Everyone quits in their own special way. Last week he informed me he's only on one cigarette a day now.
Well done Gareth and well done everyone else approaching and passing this milestone! You've all added 10-20 years onto your life
Maybe even more.
Just took delivery of my new Aspire Nautilus BVC......very bloody nice so far.
I have been switching between the Vivi Novas and the Aspire BDC coils for over a year.
The BDC coils produce a great flavour but are unreliable (some last only a few days and some are dead when they come out of the packet !!)
Hope the BVC coils last longer !!
Today 2 years ago I smoked my last cigarette.
Pete, you are two days older then me. According to vaping code, I'm going to call you grandpa' !
I just turned two years myself! Yoooohoooooo!
Aaaand the reason I didn't had any flue, from the moment I was started to vape.
Congratulations Pete and Stefan....!!
@stefanq said:
Aaaand the reason I didn't had any flue, from the moment I was started to vape. prevents you from getting flu?!!!!!
That's AWESOME! I rarely get ill but come to think of it, I've never been ill since I started vaping!!
AMAZING work guys. I'm very proud of you!!
Well I finally tried vaping 4 days ago after a couple of unsuccessful years of trying to give up. Sold!
Bought a cheapish kit with two spares (Royale $70au). But the batteries only seem to last for 10 puffs or so, and the quality/quantity? of vapour is inconsistent.So now I'm looking for a proper kit. There is a lot of confusing choice out there. And now I'm in a hurry, cos the Royale kit is failing and I haven't had a cigarette for 4 days!
Could someone recommend a basic, sturdy model without all the bells and whistles to get me started properly. (Easily available in Australia would be good).
BazPS; Bought a few bottles of Wolson spice, 25mg nicotine, Apple flavour. Any thoughts on this Chinese brand?