Need thumbnail images in WIP section
I have been trying to suggest that we need thumbnail images in the WIP section, so you have an idea of what you are clicking on. It would make browsing easier and I think more enjoyable. In addition I suggest that the format in the Gallery, of the slides, is a little undesignerly (e.g. the busy rounded corners). A simple full-bleed without borders would set the images off more nicely. Thanks!
I don' see the need of thumbnails in WIP section.A good title can tell you what is going on inside the topic. Also there are few topics without images, only the discution between users.What kind of thumbnail should be??
The way CGArchitect does it. You see thumbnails and click for a larger image and more information. I really think that's missing here. And the slides format in the official Gallery here doesn't provide clean enough frames for images. Anybody else?