V5 Beta MOI 3D on MAC / PC April 2022 !
Fx graph 3D by Max Smirnov
Trial versions released!
Moi3D 3.0 Infinite Trial without save! PC + MACBut with this little Script "one line" you can have a "Copy screen" at any size!
By Michael Gibson creator of Moi3D
You can of course modify any thing you want following you graphic card size!script: /* Print Screen on the Clipboard */ var prev_background = moi.view.viewportBackgroundColor; moi.view.viewportBackgroundColor = 0x000000; moi.view.lineWidth = 4; moi.grid.display = false; moi.grid.showXYAxes = false; moi.ui.getActiveViewport().renderToClipboard( 2560, 2560 ); moi.view.lineWidth = 1; moi.grid.display = true; moi.grid.showXYAxes = true; moi.view.viewportBackgroundColor = prev_background;
A very old test of that!
Little teasing for an incredible plugin!
import obj yet released! By Max Smirnov
Subdive in no time! Result will be "nurbs" ! -
beta released!
Subdivision by Max Smirnov! -
Subdivide beta by Max Smirnov
Yet work only for 3,4,5 polygons!
A trick
Pentagons isn't supported in fast mode. (but will be in Accurate mode)
Man...I didn't know MOI....I've been playing around with it and this is what SketchUp should have been....
@pep75 said:
Man...I didn't know MOI....I've been playing around with it and this is what SketchUp should have been....
It's not great for architectural stuff though. Of course it can be done, but it's a solid modeller for products mainly. And when it comes to that, it's in a different league to SketchUp.
For those who want export Components from Moi3D to Sketchup
(Moi has not yet instances)
I have found a trick for have instancied Components inside Sketchup!A big thanks to Thomthom who permit this miracle!
Video by Chri
Process inside SU -
Integration Moi - Cycles teasing!
By Max Smirnov -
Moi Gui Builder by Chippwalters (Mac PC)
Import poly + Subdiv by Max Smirnov becomes very cool!
SKetchup -->obj By Tig for free version of Sketchup
Import OBJ --> Moi by Max Smirnov
Export OBJ from Moi (Quad + Triangle)By Michael Gibson
Import OBJ --> Moi by Max Smirnov
Subdiv Max Smirnov -
By Max Smirnov!
Pilou, is there some kind of Layout for MOI?
@ Jql: Not yet, maybe sizing in the V 4.0 !