Read Serial port or USB interface
on windows at least two ways to do this:
- use the ruby "" library to read data from a dll exposing public methods of these input devices. You can build this dll quite quickly with visual studio for example.
- "communicate" your input devices to an internet explorer page and then use Sketchup 6 new web-dialog functionality.
Hello morisdov,
@unknownuser said:
- "communicate" your input devices to an internet explorer page and then use Sketchup 6 new web-dialog functionality
I have been tried your sugestion, but it's not clearly enough. I had created serial port appplication in VB6. I want to send string data "motor_on", then the motor starts running in sketchyphysics. Could you explain step by step please ?
alapalap -
Could somebody help me please ?
@alapalap said:
Could somebody help me please ?
Could you just use Ruby to write to a text file, and the have the VB app, poll and read the value from the text file and then do the communication to the port?
Kind of a non-direct route...but should get you going.
To Joe : I am still confuse what you are saying. I am still beginner on it. May I know the detail ? or may be, where I can find the article of it in web ?
Highly likely that you can kludge something together and highly unlikely that the result will survive the next release of Windows or SketchUp. Can you solve the problem with a WebDialog? (The user clicks a "motor on" checkbox and you send "motor on" to sketchyphysics.)
@alapalap said:
I [have] created [a] serial port application in VB6. I want to send string data "motor_on", then the motor starts running in sketchyphysics. Could you explain step by step please ?
(1) get TBD's SketchUp Bridge ( sub.exe ) utility and install as he explains.
Download SUBridge v1.1 from
(2) write small ruby snippets, in a subfolder of Plugins, ie: -
.../Plugins/alap/motor_on.rb* .../Plugins/alap/motor_off.rb
(3) from your VB6 application, call the Ruby snippets, using Shell( ) -
[url=]VB Shell function (click to read reference at MSDN.)[/url:1u4emsd7]* motor_on (VisualBasic)
Sub motor_on() Dim pID As Integer pID = Shell("""C;\Program Files\Google\Sketchup 7\Plugins\sub.exe"" alap\motor_on.rb", AppWinStyle.MinimizedNoFocus) End Sub
- motor_off (VisualBasic)
Sub motor_off() Dim pID As Integer pID = Shell("""C;\Program Files\Google\Sketchup 7\Plugins\sub.exe"" alap\motor_off.rb", AppWinStyle.MinimizedNoFocus) End Sub
- ...etc,.. etc. [There are only 2 lines in the code blocks above; the forum may wrap the long Shell line in a strange way, but it's all 1 line.]
P.S.: You may also want to have a look at TBD's SUDLL
- example (MS VC++6) on how to create a DLL and communicate with Sketchup Ruby
- [url=]Download[/url:1u4emsd7] from
I think I made an error.. and meant to have the 2nd argument in the Shell calls be a Ruby statement, like: "load 'alap\motor_on.rb'" instead of just the rubyscriptname.
@TBD ??
it was ok, the command line needs the .rb file that needs to be executed in the Sketchup context.
Hi! I am a student of electrotechnical engineering and i'm doing a project. I need a little help! How i get values from serial port to sketchyphysics?