[Plugin] T3D exporter (for unrealEd2)
Hi everybody,
This plugin will export your sketchup model to T3D format. T3D is a format used by epic's 3d engines. Currently only UEd2(Unreal edit) is supported (UT99 e.g.).
When you have something selected, this will be exported, when nothing is selected the whole model will be exported. UEd2 does not support face with more then 15 vertices, the exporter will detect this. To see all faces that suffer from this issue use the selection box and set it to errors (note: this may take a while). Each grouped structure or component will be converted to a seperate brush. Additivity or subtractivity will not be detected, you need to set this for all brushes manually in UEd. Layers are also exported, see groups in UEd.
Have fun with it!
Complex brushes will often cause bsp holes in UEd. If you are having issues with this break the brushes down in simpler shapes. The more the shapes start to look like a cube the less it will cause problems. Also mind to work on a grid. 256
units in sketchup will end up as 256 units in UEd, multitutes of 2 will have the best result.
how i install it?
Do you have any plans to upgrade it to 2014 version? I would very much like to test it in SU 2014 and Unreal Engine 4.