A render used without my consent
Hello all
I was a little surprised to be surfing the internet for inspiration for a house design when I stumbled on a render being used on a website without my consent. The only place I have posted the image was here via Photobucket. http://www.aucklandhomefinders.co.nz/real-estate/something-old-or-something-new/
Has this happened to anyone else? I'm not sure of the rights I have and this may change in different countries. The weird thing is that I was approached by 2 different company's within a week to use this image. I asked what they were using them for and never got a answer in return.
Its not even the final render I did, but a wip I posted here a couple of years ago.
Its happened to me in the past on a number of occasions. You could take legal action but I'd advise against it as its often the legal eagles that often come out on the best side.
It appears that they have just used a perspective view and are not really gaining by way of profit. Maybe just suggest that they give you credit on the image?
The upside is that its a sort of compliment! This is the way I started to look at the infringements that effected me.
@mike lucey said:
The upside is that its a sort of compliment! This is the way I started to look at the infringements that effected me.
I would never take legal action. As you said there is only one winner in that game "Lawyers"
Been down that track. Anyway its just a single imageI am flattered, but more gutted that they used a WIP instead of the final image. I will send them an account thou, just thought there maybe someway I gave away the rights when posting through photobucket.
Hey, I recognize my old plants
wait what?
I see many of my stuff all over the place, some even keep my old water marks and signature. What can you do? the effort needed to get something done is not worth it IMO.
Send them a bill for using it, see if they pay it. Maybe it makes its way right through the accounting dept and you get a check back
This seems like a fairly minor infraction. But if anyone gets seriously miffed at the unauthorised use of their stuff and wants to do something about it without remortgaging their home to pay the legal costs, you can always try the DMCA site http://www.dmca.com/Takedowns.aspx to issue a takedown notice. It can cost as little as $10 per month (which ought to be all you need).
I believe the notice goes via the site's hosting company...so the threat carries some weight. -
Alan has a great point about DMCA requests.... They might not always work or they maky take some time but it just might do the trick.