Industrial 6 axis robot manager plugin -beta tester required
Dear Sketchup community !
I am looking for beta testers for a new plugin I want to introduce. The aim of this plugin is to be able to move an industrial 6 axis robot within your Sketchup Model.
After defining your own robot characteristics (<2 minutes !), you will be able to move your robot in every reachable position, and some steps later, make animations !
I included possibility to animate other objects in your model, in order to have a complete animation tool.The plugin calculate the angle of each axis in order the tool you designed to reach the position you select in your model. Then you can change tool orientation.
The plugin allows you to check if you can reach position and if it interfers with other objects, analyse trajectories...Please view this tiny video to see what the plugin does:
This plugin represent hours and hours of coding (more than 4000 code lines), therefore it won’t be deal for free, but sell at moderate price (~50 €) regarding robot maker software (>500 €). Obviously, all features of robot maker software are not in my plugin but it’s enough to use it in an industrial environment.
I developed and personally used this plugin at work to integrate successfully a robot in a production cell !The beta testers will get the plugin for free.
I would like to have 3-5 beta-testers, who have an interest in using this plugin and ideally have experience in robotics. If you are interesting in, please send me a private message, describing a bit your motivation, experience and computer platform (PC/MAC).
Note that plugin completion is ~80%. Just pending to make it more simple, add some translations and correct bug testers may have. But for robot animation, it's 100% operative.A dedicated website will be put in place to manage bugs and plugin version.
Feel free to ask me any questions
Inteloide (BGSketchup) -
From that I see on the image French translation is not necessary !: )