Facade - NPR
Great job!
Nice job Eric. What are those 'signs' on the windows made of?
Thanks guys.
Mike the Super Graphics will most likely be a dense metal mesh, very thin to contrast the open metal mesh in the store front / curtain wall system. Still in the early stages of material selections though. -
Looks great, Eric. How would you flash those curtain walls where they extend above the roof?
I like it Eric, good communication. Do the power lines actually exist or are they artistic license ?
Thanks Daniel. Details details, this one if it goes will have some unique ones for sure. Most likely it would be framed out around the outer top edge to beef it up then have coping to match the curtain wall.
Thanks chedda. The power lines exist and will definitely be an issue.
Nice. Front Google Earth surface needs more detail IMO. Grass etc...
Technically that may be NPR, but at first glance, it certainly looks real enough.
Great model and render.
Nice job Eric!
Thanks again all.
srx, I agree.