Design. Click. Build.
Great resource Dave, thanks for sharing that with us. I do delve into woodworking (mainly tables and desks and such) so I'm sure I will be checking the blog quite regularly this Spring when we start production again
(a friend and I do custom made to order furniture locally). Thank you!Matthew
I would just like to point out that as someone who enjoys this kind of thing as a very occasional hobby, this is great.
Bookmarked for sure. Every time I have an idea for a project I'll be checking that out for ideas/tips.
Hey Dave, I read that blog all the time! Nice work!
A while back, probably over a year ago I contacted Fine Woodworking to see if they wanted a contributor, although my message wasn't answered.. Perhaps it didn't make it through. Would you guys be interested in having me as a contributor?
I love this blog!
i'll bookmark the blog.
thank you Dave. -
Thank you for all your contributions. I bought your Google SketchUp Guide for Woodworkers at Finewoodworking. I went through it three times amd printed out the video Transcript. Very nicely done if I might add. What a great start to Google SketchUp. Next I bought Tim Killens 145 page Google SketchUp Guide for Woodworkers Wow. He covers it all. Then over at FineHomebuilding is TheTimberTailor geared to the carpenter If a guy can't find what he wants here well. Then join get more involved here. I love it.
I can tell you these gentleman do what they do because they love it. The and they do it so well. The people at Taunton are lucky to have you guys. -
Desk, Abraham Roentgen, c. 1758 - c. 1760
h 148.5cm × b 110cm × d 58.5cm. More details
This desk has numerous hidden compartments and drawers and even includes a folding kneeling bench. It was made for Johann Philipp von Walderdorff, Archbishop and Elector of Trier, and is embellished at the top with his portrait and coat of arms. This desk is the greatest showpiece ever made by Abraham Roentgen –the most famous German cabinetmaker of his time.
Jolly joker, John.
Actually, I'd draw it up if you can find me the construction details.
Tom, a belated thank you for the nice remarks.
@unknownuser said:
Here's an unabashed plug for a blog that I contribute to.
Sorry : it's a plugin or a blog ?
(don't found the plugin)Of course very good Blog for wood workers! I give this one very often for the French "menuisiers et ébénistes" !
Sorry Pilou, the word is 'plug', not plugin. The word is used thusly:
mention (a product, event, or establishment) publicly in order to promote it.
"during the show he plugged his new record"
synonyms: publicize, promote, advertise, mention, bang the drum for, draw attention to;Thank you for the compliment.
Aaaah! OK!
In French we use "Plug" as Plugin English's abbreviation!
Does that mean you would abbreviate a Button Plugin to a simple Butt Plug?
As I am not an English native speaker so...
After a little research images of your 2 last words, I discover that your are a little ironic joker!(+ 18)
@box said:
Does that mean you would abbreviate a Button Plugin to a simple Butt Plug?
I had a mouthful of coffee when I read that. Now it's on my screen and keyboard.
Hi Dave --
In reference to the post I just made on your Woodworking Basics video, are there any particular posts (or series) for a SU beginner on your blog, that I should point my friend to?
There's such a wealth of material in the 55 pages (!) of posts, that it's a little tough to ID those at the appropriate level. Just thought that there might be an obvious starting point for him that you know of.
I understand. Thanks for the link, I'll pass it along.