Help in Boston, MA would be appreciated
Hi all!
I have a colleague whose wife got a half year scholarship in Boston. They (husband, wife and an 8-y-o son) are already there but as it turned out, they have accommodation only for 4 more days.
If anyone knows an apartment or something for rent (ideally until the end of January 2014), I would appreciate if you notified me. If not until January, at least for some time until they can find a place to stay at.
(Obviously a scholarship does not allow for half a year of stay in a motel or something)
I have a few friends in Boston... I'll hit them up and see if they know of anything.
Thanks, Kris!
My buddy knows of one apartment near the beach but it's $1300 a month and won't be open for 3 weeks. Says he doesn't know of anything else but will keep his ears open.
Thanks, Kris. The problem finally seems to have been solved. A bigger problem now is that you guys do not have real soups there
In Boston? The home of New England Clam Chowder? What pray tell is real soup?
How 'bout some alligator bouillabaisse?
Well, here a soup can even be a "full, proper meal".
Isn't Hungary the home of Goulash? Now that's a soup that sticks to the ribs. Also is Hungary where the word Hungry comes from?
On another note... 27,000 posts Gaieus? EPIC!
Well, here goulash (or rather gulyás ) is a sort of soup rather than a stew as is known in most countries.
@gaieus said:
Well, here a soup can even be a "full, proper meal".
I hear you neighbor, let me eat two bowls of that and I cal it a proper meal !
Ah yes.