How do I model this chair?
Hey guys! I need some help... I have to model this chair and I don't know even how to get started...
I've already tried Photomatch, but it's too curvy and i can't get it right.
It would be great to have a plugin that could help me...
I've also tried uploading some pics to 123d match but it definitly doesn't work.
Any sugestions? Tips?
Thank you
Not exacly the same but will have some ideas
Plugins who "round" the armature are Subdivide and Smooth or Artisan
Else some little tricks
Forgive my previous post!
I believe that you can draw all this chair with only the follow me!
Thank you! Both posts helped a lot! I'll keep trying!
Done! It's not great but i think it will be enough for me... Thank you for the help!
I uploaded the file in case anyone wants to download, here's the link:
It will be available for the next 15 days!bye
You could have used some more segments for the curves, but overall it's very well done !
Why don't you soften/smooth it to get rid of the lines on the cylinders ? -
You're right... it would be better if had used more segments... but i was looking for a fast solution so i created a curved surface an projected some straight lines on it, then i used follow me with some circles along the lines, that's why they look so crooked (is this the right word? sorry for my terrible english!) I should have taken the time to do it right...