⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
FAK FollowMeAndKeep Still Not Right
Please refer to enclosed SKP. Wikii has done a superb job on the FAK Script. The tool still does not seem to fit the application when Following Me a handrail profile along a circular stair.
Any suggestions welcome.
Regards to All
NinoPS: Sorry for textures bloating filesize. Forgot to peel them off prior to drafting the post.
My "Best Solution" to date . . . Fudge It! Suggestion attached.
NinoPS: Apparently, textures were not the real culprit for file size on original submittal. I try to keep profile polygon counts below those in that model but Customer insisted on "smoother" details.
I am a ,I have a question for SketchUp 2013. when I install this FAK Follow Me And Keep it doesn't work. So how can I install?