Mon$anto vs. Mother Earth
Before engaging in a debate on issues that should be beyond one's personal politics lets at least agree on some facts.
That's your argument? I expected a scientist or a doctor or at least an adult. Being 11 and able to deliver an oration is impressive but hardly what I would call convincing in this particular case.
But...I can see how the EMO team would embrace it.
Thanks Pete for some excellent contributions and for proving to me that I was correct using the term "an unfortunate majority of" rather than "all".
The doctor presenting this science isn't 11 and the reading may be too long and boring but if you DO entertain educated opinions you might find it interesting.
The unfortunate part of this issue is when you understand the political divide in the USA, many folks will support stuff that they probably disagree with if the other side does not. So lets say the liberals oppose Monsanto then the conservatives will embrace them, support them and even pass legislation to empower them, next the church will give sermons that Monsanto is doing gods work.
We also do not let facts get in the way of a good debate as facts just stifle hyperbole rhetoric, see last election cycle for when facts died by the hands of bullshit.
You also must understand that the majority of this country believe the earth is 6000 years old, global climate change is a hoax and that homosexuality is a choice, so arguing with them on an issue like this is kinda pointless as they believe big business can do no wrong and if it's making money or gaining American control over the world it must be good and right.
This isn't a political issue...It's a science issue. You present evidence from an 11 yr old with basic speaking skills and a coloring book web page created by a people that sell dietary products.
You project your own motives on others and build strawmen based on half truths gained from a cursory examination of evidence that fits your perception of anything representing a corporation...why? Because that's your understanding of political division.
You begin every argument with a presupposition which automatically places any contradiction in the realm of religion, conservatism or just ignorance. That's because you are intolerant of anyone that has a viewpoint that varies from moderator are two words I just don't see appropriate in your you are neither.
@unknownuser said:
global moderator are two words I just don't see appropriate in your you are neither.
This is the corner bar by the way, I also do not moderate your opinion I moderate mostly spammers, scammers and move stuff to the right section when posted incorrectly. Nice try on the whole moderator thing, I see you are heading to the personal, play the ball and not the person mate. And because I am a moderator, does that mean I'm not entitled to an opinion?
Hannity of Fox news started the whole "strawman" thing last year, nice to see his "wisdom' was not lost on you.
@unknownuser said:
This isn't a political issue...It's a science issue.
That is funny, I bet you use that line for the Global climate change debate too.
@unknownuser said:
You present evidence from an 11 yr old with basic speaking skills and a coloring book web page created by a people that sell dietary products.
That was just a video about a kid who gets it, and by the way the easy to read coloring book style website is for your folks sake, just trying to make it as easy to understand as possible, facts can be confusing to some.
@unknownuser said:
That's because you are intolerant of anyone that has a viewpoint that varies from yours.
Nah, I am tolerant, I live in the middle of ignorance called Texas, I'm just vocal.
The only thing you know about me is that I use this website, profess US exceptionalism and am willing to debate with people on current and past events...
yet you seem to be inclined to attribute various character traits arbitrarily upon members of this forum for the mere fact that they commented on a subject concerning GMOs. In the last three posts you've concluded that I am religious, conservative, anti homosexual, watch or listen to Hannity....all of which may or may not be true...but you couldn't possibly know which because I've not commented on it.
What I know didn't present any facts or assertions from other references claiming to be facts but then say "we should agree on a few facts".
The only assertion you've made that might be that Monsanto is a corporation and they made lots of money....and I bet you aren't even sure of that. Oh but you'll claim you are!Did you even read the doctors blog on GMOs and why he is skeptical of the data in the studies in question? Did the big words confuse you? Were the colors too bland?
global climate change???? Are you going to wave the racism flag next?
Oblamer was just on tv using the "it's not about politics" line on the "gun violence issue"
Is he funny too? -
@unknownuser said:
Should that not be President "Oblamer"?
See right there you defined yourself, you drop those nuggets you get defined.
And I did read the "smack down" you posted, I bet you never understood a word of it.
Like in climate science there will always be a scientist that will soapbox against the facts, money does not only buy politicians, scientists like yachts too.@unknownuser said:
In the last three posts you've concluded that I am religious, conservative, anti homosexual, watch or listen to Hannity....all of which may or may not be true...but you couldn't possibly know which because I've not commented on it.
You do realize I was not talking about you per se? , however if it fits wear it with pride.
@unknownuser said:
global climate change???? Are you going to wave the racism flag next?
Give me an inch of reason to and I certainly will.
Next step, monsanto will patent your ADN so you will have to pay for living and pay when you reproduce.
Do you want this? -
Is Trimble and evil corporation as well?
I suggest the management team here make some adjustments to their official and unofficial PR policies. -
Ok I assume you mean DNA and of course nobody wants that.
Gilles...I always wanted to ask you..what is your avatar? I'm not seeing it. Is it something flying..dancing perhaps?
I suspect his Avatar fits you well.
Don't be rude Box,
just a pissing dog
My thought about humans. -
@mics_54 said:
Is Trimble and evil corporation as well?
I suggest the management team here make some adjustments to their official and unofficial PR policies.Okay after that gem, lets actually discuss Monsanto, why do I disagree with them.
They use genetically modified seeds with something called terminator technology. When a harvest happens, the seeds produced by the new crops are rendered useless. Although in 1999, Monsanto agreed to not commercialize terminator technology. This means farmers have to repeatedly purchase these seeds.
Most crops Monsanto grows are heavily fertilized. In essence your eating pesticides, fertilizer, antibiotics etc.
They have uprooted countless agricultural traditions in places like India, Mongolia, Vietnam. For example in India sesame seed oil was once the way people made their money and cooked their food cheaper. Monsanto lobbied the Indian government to use soy bean oil (soy is their main product). This destroyed the economic stability of India's subsistence farmers. It is awful for their economy, but also for their health. Immediate heavy intakes of soy can be extremely harmful for the body.
Monsanto because of its recent growth by buying out its competitors is imposing a monopoly on the world grain trade...this largest agricultural market in the world. The grain trade feeds cows, pigs, chickens, us, everything we eat comes from grain food. Monsanto by having a monopoly kills smaller businesses, makes us unhealthy, uproots local agriculture etc.
Now they are patenting everything they create and destroying all the natural seed, so the future is only possible through them, control all the food and you control the money.
So...are all you anti American sketchuppers gonna bail on trimble because they are a defense contractor? hmmm?
Can you point to any post here saying anything about being anti american.
I guess you gave up on the debate and started waving your flag.
@unknownuser said:
So...are all you anti American sketchuppers gonna bail on trimble because they are a defense contractor? hmmm?
Edited as I found a better comparison to your statement.
So...should all Christians get off their computers as Linux, Windows and OSX were created by very vocal atheists? You see how stupid your statement sounds now?
just as I suspected..hypocrite