Wine Racks
J'ai eu une boisson de vin il y a 20 ans et c'était mon dernier...
@krisidious said:
J'ai eu une boisson de vin il y a 20 ans et c'était mon dernier...
pourquoi? c'est bon pour la santé
Il goûte mauvais... aigre et amer.
Merci! I like that it's all reds.
Well done, thank you.
You're both very welcome.
Very nicely done.
To be picky though, the top wine bottles should be pointed down, don't want the cork to dry out. I noticed it was the same way on the manufacturers site..tsk tsk. Lol.
Oh, good catch... You're right. Now I have to fix it.
@rspierenburg said:
Very nicely done.
To be picky though, the top wine bottles should be pointed down, don't want the cork to dry out. I noticed it was the same way on the manufacturers site..tsk tsk. Lol.
Good catch, but to be even more picky, the bottles should be facing with the corks up as shown on the website, but the angle that they lay at should only be at 15°.
Proper wine storage is a surprisingly "controversial" issue. I design custom wine cellars for my living so I deal with these sorts of "issues" all day! I say, to each their own!
Great drawing! These are hard to draw and the racks and especially the bottles do take up a lot of geometry, I struggle with that everyday even with a great computer.
- learn something new everyday. The only reason I knew about keeping the cork wet is from my parents, not much of a wine drinker myself.
I guess the angle admonishment comes from storing less filtered or wine stored for a few years? You don't want all the sediment sitting on the cork. Probably the majority of people are not that careful or keep their wine long enough
Most wine comes in boxes, stored upside down until you get it.
(edit I mean wine comes in BOTTLES in boxes. There is a sort of wine that just comes int a box though!