Debris creation and convex hull creation
Some quick questions:
- Are there any plugins that are able to slice a solid into debris (different types of debris like wooden planks, bricks, stones, tiles, ...) and groups each object?
- Is there a plugin that turns a concave solid into convex grouped solids?
- If not is there at least a plugin that allows you to slice and group the selected solid simply by drawing a line?
It would really speed up model creation for engines like the Source engine.
A short answer/link is completely enough. Thank you in advance!
Maybe SUSolid can help you ?
See also Make Fur by Tak2hata (maybe not fracturation but visual result will be the same)
and the tricky Replace Random Component by Sdmitch
Zorro2 draw a line and cut the volume but don't close the volumes!
by Whaat
Addfaces by Tig close the volumes but volumes must be isolated (disconnected)
by Tig
Eclate deplace explode solids from each other but solids must be yet groups or components!
By CPlassais and me
fracture Voronoรฏ XY is in developpment! by MattC
Loose geometry to groups group isolated selection volumes in groups By Chris Fullmer
Groups to components By Thomthom
Faces to components make each face a component By TIG
Thickness to Component give a thickness to a selection "flat" components by Sdmitch
So Zorro2 + Faces to component + Eclate deplace + Thickness to Component can be a cool solution
see my post here
links are inside; have fun fracturation! Not hydraulic!
Random Painter by Chris Fullmer -
Thank you very much, Pilou!
Apart from Zorro I think I'll be better off doing these tasks as I'm used to but those plugins are helpful nonetheless.