Highschool Sketchup
I teach a Junior High and High School computer class. We are going to start a project in SU in January. Thought I would pick the community's brain about what you think would be a good project. It needs to be at a beginner/intermediate level and my vision is that while they'll work on their own individual projects that they will actually be building a model that will be parts of a whole. Make sense?
Yeah, teach them about city planning and design. Divide thems up into a small community and have each student play a specific role And each one can model the building associated to their role. And have a couple of them develop the town layout, park, school, library, etc.
Once its known what buildings will be modeled, the city layout team will determine (or be told) parcel dimensions for each building type. Then each student will know exact dimensions for their building and they can work on their own buildings independently. The planning team can work on fitting all the assigned parcel sizes together into a small city grid and then replace each parcel with the actual model as the other students make progress on their buildings.
I would imagine with a class of like 20 - 25 students a breakdown like:
- 2 to 3 people on a "planning team" to layout the city, model roads and add street furnishings? These kids will be getting a solid lesson in city planning and city layout.
- 5 to 10 business owners (retail shop, bakery, restaurant, cafe, drive-through, mechanic, art gallery, accounting company, etc). These kids will mostly be making a building so it will be an exercise in architecture and maybe learning about the business they choose).
- 3 to 5 Public entities - Library, small hospital, school, park, city hall,etc.
- 5 to 10 residential people. Planning department lays out their neighborhood and they each design and make a home for their lot.
Ideally each student would learn about computers, graphics, 3d modeling, technology AND the group they get lumped into. Learn how and why a mechanics building is shaped differently than a library or a home, etc. They would also learn about the cooperative effort required in the planning, design, development world and how it really takes a lot of minds, a lot of thinking, and a lot of work to make the world we live in work as well as it does.
If they finish all their buildings, then the planning team needs to quickly incorporate new land into the city layout a new subdivision or something to keep the students busy
Anyhow, that might be way too complex to pull off with students, or might be too much work for the teacher!
What a great idea! I had considered an architectural project/town but not to this detail. This is great! Thank you so much!