Is mac set_html working, again?
Yea, I replaced the path to a file on my desktop. I checked it was found by Ruby by File.exist?
What Safari version do you have?
Mine is Versjon 5.0.6 (5533.22.3) -
actually, I added
and they still all work, do these or the others run on a pc?html=<<SETHTML <img src="file;////Users/johns_iMac/Desktop/400px-Lion_Rampant.png" alt="test image" title="my test1" > SETHTML dlg1 = UI;;"it works again1", true,"img", 250, 250, 150, 150, true); dlg1.set_html(html) dlg1.show_modal #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dlg2 = UI;;"it works again2", true,"img", 250, 250, 400, 150, true); dlg2.set_html(%q(<img src="file;////Users/johns_iMac/Desktop/400px-Lion_Rampant.png" alt="test image" title="my test2" >)) dlg2.show_modal #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dlg3 = UI;;"it works again3", true,"img", 250, 250, 650, 150, true); dlg3.set_html(%Q(<img src="file;////Users/johns_iMac/Desktop/400px-Lion_Rampant.png" alt="test image" title="my test2" >)) dlg3.show_modal #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- imgPath="/Users/johns_iMac/Desktop/400px-Lion_Rampant.png" html1=<<SETHTML <img src="file;/// SETHTML html2=<<SETHTML2 " alt="test image" title="my test1" > SETHTML2 html=(html1 + imgPath + html2) dlg4 = UI;;"it works again4", true,"img", 250, 250, 900, 150, true); dlg4.set_html(html) dlg4.show_modal #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- imgPath=(File.expand_path("~/Desktop/400px-Lion_Rampant.png")) html1=<<SETHTML <img src="file;/// SETHTML html2=<<SETHTML2 " alt="test image" title="my test1" > SETHTML2 html=(html1 + imgPath + html2) dlg5 = UI;;"it works again5", true,"img", 250, 250, 1150, 150, true); dlg5.set_html(html) dlg5.show_modal #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@driven said:
actually, I added
and they still all work, do these or the others run on a pc?Yes. With and without file:///
@thomthom said:
Yea, I replaced the path to a file on my desktop. I checked it was found by Ruby by File.exist?
What Safari version do you have?
Mine is Versjon 5.0.6 (5533.22.3)WebDialog is using
Unknown Mozilla
Browser Version 5.0
Operating System
Apple OS X
User Agent String Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/536.26.14 (KHTML, like Gecko)]Safari is using
Apple Safari
Browser Version 6.0
Operating System
Apple OS X
User Agent String Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_2) AppleWebKit/536.26.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0.2 Safari/536.26.17]
they are quite different things, as I keep telling people...
easiest way to confirm...wwhdlg = UI;;"wot_works_here", true, "wwh", 739, 641, 50, 50, true); wwhdlg.set_url "" wwhdlg.show_modal wwhdlg.navigation_buttons_enabled=true
or you can paste this in Web Inspector
Unknown Mozilla
Browser Version 5.0
Operating System
Apple OS X
User Agent String Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8) AppleWebKit/534.50.2 (KHTML, like Gecko)/AppleWebKit/([\d.]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)
["AppleWebKit/534.50.2", "534.50.2"]Is it a different version in WebDialogs due to compatibility reasons?
Safari is an Application and Apple keeps it ahead by keeping WebCore and WebKit at least one step behind, I test SU things in Safari for 'future proofing' rather then current state, I have a simple browser I built to the Webdialog spec for 'current state' external testing, but it's easiest inside SU with Web Inspector.
I 'think' that if you can update WebKit manually, but I'd need to look it up...
john -
Well, I was about to just update my OSX - seeing how it's obsolete...
I split off the conversation about upgrading OSX to a separate topic:
the other part of
that was broken, was XMLHttpRequest
here an almost functioning test... at the moment you need to use a link with a full href to get the css etc...
or adding the links to your header might work. Bit odd but works#---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- imgPath=(File.expand_path("~/Desktop/400px-Lion_Rampant.png")) html1=<<SETHTML <html> <head> <script> function requestIt() { var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', ''); req.onreadystatechange = function (evt) { /* readyState 4 indicates the transaction is complete; status 200 indicates "OK" */ if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) { var log = document.getElementById('log'); log.innerHTML = req.responseText; } }; req.send(null); } </script> <style> body {background; url("file;///#{imgPath}") no-repeat center center fixed; -webkit-background-size; cover;}</style> </head> <body> <button onclick="requestIt();">Click to Request</button> <div id="log"></div> </body> </html> SETHTML html=(html1) dlg6 = UI;;"it works again6", true,"img", 850, 850, 150, 450, true); dlg6.set_html(html) dlg6.allow_actions_from_host("") dlg6.navigation_buttons_enabled = true dlg6.show_modal #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I nicked this from the other thread, because thought it was appropiate to something I wanted to say...
@thomthom said:@jolran said:
So doing like that and putting in an image for button like below would work on Mac?
It used to work, then it didn't. Then it might be working for some. But not me.
I wouldn't rely on it.I agree, for now, for general release plugins, but I like using
with Heredoc for simple short scripts, like toolbar buttons.If your on the 'evil' WebKit version you could use the same basics but write to file the use
I'll dig up the unix call to check webkit version, then a conditional could do either/or