Pro's: how do you Organize your Material Libraries in SU?
Pro's: how do you Organize your Material Libraries in SU OR DO YOU?
1. I have loads of materials in my SU browser that I will never use.
2. Most materials I eventually use are imported for the project.
3. I still want a selection of standard building materials for use in SketchUp, though I may eventually replace them in a project.
4. How to efficiently review, store, and load and organize materials.Do you clean out your libraries and rebuild? How can this be done efficiently?
Is there a SKM VIEWER that allows sorting of materials? (Would this be a nice application, one that allows quick viewing (with sizes etc. shown?),comparing, and sorting?)
Or do you do all materials in your renderer?
Pro Tips?
Hey Peter, this is an apt topic for me right now because I'm finally doing just that!!
I have started filing my SKMs that I use most on Dropbox under a Resource folder so I can access them from home or work; also for my work colleague so we always have the latest set of materials [thinking about a core library or components as well but just need to make sure they're clean and not too big file size....
A SKM viewer would be good, actually a SKP viewer would be nice too; I'm using a 64bit machine!!
And yes, I have cleaned out the standard range of roof tiles, sketchy materials, etc that came with SU3....