Attack on NPR/Big Bird: bad idea in pres debate
I guess we're just talking past each other. You're justifying PBS as a target while seemingly ignoring the larger ones that cost families more. I'm saying it was a lousy target when there are bigger, more profitable fish to fry that could save billions, not a few hundred million.
Guess we'll just have to disagree.
If I wanted a "businessman" to run my country, I can think of several others who are much better qualified than Mitt Romney.
Romney wants to increase the military spending by 2 billion dollars (which the military already said they do not need), why not just reduce that by 25% and keep PBS/NPR?
See the advert yet?
My daughter just found her old "Subsidize Me Elmo" doll.
The Obama Big Bird ad looks like the work of a campaign in panic mode. It's crunch time, when voters get very serious, very smart. So, this?
so much for making a big election about small things. . .
@o2bwln said:
My daughter just found her old "Subsidize Me Elmo" doll.
The Obama Big Bird ad looks like the work of a campaign in panic mode. It's crunch time, when voters get very serious, very smart. So, this?
Now you're just getting mean.
Next you'll start using words like "Commie" and "Socialist", maybe a little Europe bashing thrown in for good measure.
@escapeartist said:
@o2bwln said:
My daughter just found her old "Subsidize Me Elmo" doll.
The Obama Big Bird ad looks like the work of a campaign in panic mode. It's crunch time, when voters get very serious, very smart. So, this?
Now you're just getting mean.
Next you'll start using words like "Commie" and "Socialist", maybe a little Europe bashing thrown in for good measure.
I'm not sure how I'm being mean about calling out a President who goes on and on about Big Bird when there are greater problems facing this country. Here is a man that is worked up about Big Bird but didn't bat an eyelash about going for a fundraiser to Vegas while US embassies were under siege. Instead of using airtime bashing his opponent for mentioning cutting funding with money that we don't have he should be telling the country how he'll reduce our debt by cutting frivolous spending.
So if that makes me mean then I'm guilty as charged. When I want to reduce expenses for my business I cut all unnecessary spending and I expect my government to do the same.
Embassy argument is totally specious. Under conditions like that it is almost impossible to know the situation on the ground in real time. Embassy protests are not unique enough to interrupt presidential schedules and the details of the situation would only unravel over the next 24 hours. The argument is nonsensical and a true sign of either desperation or self delusion.
Choose a different cartoon that doesn't paint the "47%" as freeloaders looking for handouts, that's what's mean - not the good logic of cutting subsidies for industries that don't need it. Cutting's fine. The republicans - scratch that - all politicians need to grow a set and cut the right spending. Romney choosing PBS as a target is weak, political, and cowardly. He couldn't handle the backlash from big oil, and he knows it. That shows exactly what will change if he is elected. Nothing. Except maybe some red states will see less Elmo.
As an artist I always believe a picture is worth more than just words, hence I post many visual protests by way of humor.
Here is another, this is a very powerful argument IMO.
Damn, Solo, that was unexpected and HILARIOUS. You made me burst out laughing at work.
Can't say I didn't warn him.