Interior designers may be included
Hi dear mates
I am currently working at several places and one of them is an interior design academy : and it gives a final certificate that is approved by highest educational Iranian reference :
( I see , I see, that is completely in Farsi...) BTW, they are trying to improve their standards to an "international" level , so I thought maybe here I can find some job mates (interior design teachers) that are interested in directing me to connect to an interior design academy or such...
please let me know if you are interested inMajid
Hi Majid,
From your previous post I'm assuming (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that you would like to immigrate to a new country to continue your career/education in architecture or art.
I can't speak for Europe's regulation on Interior Designers but in the US Interior Design is regulated per state and some states have no regulation whatsoever. So depending on how you'd like to proceed it would depend on what state you're looking to teach/work in. Unfortunately in the US, a lot of Interior Design is lumped in with Interior Decorating and there is no regulation barring a person who is good at picking pillows calling themselves a Designer (someone who is capable of residential/commercial space planning and is knowledgeable about interior building codes).
Now if you're looking to practice Architecture in the US you would have to see what regulations each state has in regards to calling yourself an Architect and signing drawings.
Not sure if this is the answer you're looking for but hope it helps.
Take care,
O2bwln -
thank you dear O2bwln for your attention and kind answer.
I am trying to improve my situation, based on my own abilities and apart from any rant, and if situation is going to be at this way, (as you may know , Iran nowadays is banned, and is facing economical restrictions, so people like me that are working as a freelancer have hard times) am thinking to migrate.
so my first option is: making a better situation and job opportunities here
second option: migrating, if everything is at this mannerI started this post mainly to find colleges and academies that are interested in having job connection with our academy here.
such this one that sometimes are helding (this is not belonging to our adademy, and I am trying to handel something simmilar) -
as you may know , nowadays, Iran government is almost banned in different field , so private jobs and offices are trying to develope themselves, preventing to die. (i.e. I saw this few days ago: , that has an sister office here in Iran-Tehran :
So I thought that maybe some of you , are university lecturer,managers, etc ... and interested in having co-job with our private academy!...
is there anyone here? anyone interested?