Put bankers behind bars
Lock them up, lock them up, lock them up.
When a drug dealer profits from his nefarious activities, it is now common that modern justice not only hits him with fines and or custody - it also seizes his ill gotten 'profits' so that the illicit assets can be used to the benefit of society.
Just sayin'... -
@trogluddite said:
When a drug dealer profits from his nefarious activities, it is now common that modern justice not only hits him with fines and or custody - it also seizes his ill gotten 'profits' so that the illicit assets can be used to the benefit of society.
Just sayin'...Like!
A non-op-ed article on what is happening.
Hang em high, from the highest treeee!!
No, no, just sent them home.
You know what you have to do, don't you? -
I was going to make some cynical comment about banks being some sort of alternate job program for our criminal element--which we choose to accommodate. But I thought that was too harsh. Now this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-18867054. So I guess I will make my cynical comment after all.
Wednesday's Non Sequitur cartoon.