Spaceship (Collaborative Project)
If it fits, wear it, i like it and it looks well
Did a few modifcations, not really sure myself if it does it any justice, what you think Marian?
Link to model below -
Cool to see this teamwork and sparring of ideas
Keep it up and I can't wait what the proudct of this adventure will look like
Hmmm I like some things about it, but doesn't seem to work that well.
I was thinking that, I was working on the main body but had to scrap it as it didn't suit, I got carried away with the design then, ideas I had didn't work so well either, any ideas what the ships role would be, for example is it a cargo ship, military, exploration type, etc etc.... And the size of this ship? I had a few ideas but they didn't look so good so found myself back at square 1
There is no douth that we both have different styles in ship design and merging these styles is going to be difficult but I like the challenge.
We discussed constructing a bridge for this project also, and every
Starship has a completely different style bridge, if you compare the starship "Enterprises bridge" to the halos "Pillar Of Autums bridge" there are no similarities what so ever, if I were to design a bridge I would use the "Pillar Of Autum" style, and if I guess correctly Marian being a Trekkie would go with the "enterprise" style, would I be right Marian?So we need to invent some sort of workflow to design a ship with different style artists, I myself like the box type and Marian likes the sporty streamline look, so what angle should we approach this at? This is an interesting case study that could have huge potential, or it could be a utter disaster, but either way it's a study to see what 2 artists can come up with and I'm curious to see what we can come up with
It is indeed a challenge, but hopefully a fun one.
About the bridge, I was thinking of having 2 bridges, one an emergency battle bridge like in Trek, but it would consist of a semisphere or sphere that has in its center the captain's chair. The ceiling/walls would all be one giant screen allowing the capatain to judge the situation with a clear view of the surrounding space. I got this from Legend of Galactic Heroes, quite an ingenious and practical setup. The main bridge would be one outside the main hull of the the ship, similar to sea going vessels with big windows.This would be ideal for an exploration ship, you can thus see things through scanners as well as with your own eyes and if the situation requieres it you have a back up bridge ready to go.
I'm thinking the ship should be a few hundred meeters long 100-200m
Nice illustration, so a clean ship then, not the industrial type like in halo or alien movies, this bridge resembles the enterprises bridge, so I was right, Marian I like this concept, and your going with a virtual window instead of an actual window too, you Trekkie dog you
So it's an explorer class ship 100-200 meters long, a yauth of the stars more or less, but having the ability of defending itself, interesting, so an orbital ship or a ship with landing on planet capabilities?
Oooh, nice, I would rather the under part in the position you had before, and scaled a little larger, I'm only judging from the pic thu, I'll have to download later for a closer look
Alrighty, I tried combining all the things I liked from both of us. There's still alot of room for improvement though.
Also I just measured the ship and it has about 200m.
Refferance to the bridge illustration, I suggest a holographic table in the centre of the bridge located in front of the captains chair, similar to the tactical holographic table in the movie avatar, which displays a tactical picture of the space and situation their in also it could double as a communication device where as a holographic interpretation of the person appears much like the holographic communication device in star wars.
In star trek the virtual window doubled as a display for communication, taking the eye off the
Space outside the ship, I never like this in star trek.But this is thinking far ahead, the bridge is a later part of the project, the bridge is going to be an interesting part of this concept, I can see Marian and myself tearing our hair out with different examples
It's all going to be fun thu.
I think I have to make the ship more compact, it looks a bit flimsy and doesn't have much coherency this way.
I completely agree, it needs to be bulked up, and it's hard to work with this, we need examples and illustrations like the bridge illustration, something to work from, we are going in blind here
Check these for inspiration. -
Excellent, I liked this image straight up, it's exactly the style I taught we would end up with, it has both our style of work merged into 1, my boxy look and your streamlines look, only issue I have with this is it could be bulked up more, give it the illusion of sheer size;marian87;12449583&order=0&offset=1
Now this Image is impressive, the size of this ship is just amazing, combine this and the first and you will have a ship
Now this is my usual style, the boxy look, but put curves on this like Marian's designs you would have a serious ship
I'll have a closer look later as I'm only browsing on my phone, but so far those would be my ideas, the first images combined would create a ship which not only explores but have the capability to connolise and defend itself, much like BSG starship.
@Marion, the image on top of page 13 from "Marion's WIP" forum, the texture is fantastic, can you add that image to this forum, i think this is a fantastic design, it's my favourite of your work.
Also iv an idea I'd like to work and post up later for you to view, its an idea I think this project should go, it's going to be a challenge and I would like others to look at and contribute to, it's a starship we are designing and the scale of this project is going to be huge and it's for everyone to take and learn from, we are designing not only a starship concept but a ship that would function if in the real world, something which hasn't being done before on sketchucation, feel free to join in and build a working ship.
@iichiversii said:
Exactly, this is beautiful, it looks like a ship that could work in the real world and the texture is fantastic, I love it
I agree it looks beautiful but I have doubts about real world applications. -
@marian said:
This one?
Exactly, this is beautiful, it looks like a ship that could work in the real world and the texture is fantastic, I love it
If we could use this idea but built it much bigger, then map the interior in another SU and construct it as a whole ship, iv tried building a ship and interior but the shear size slowed it down, it's just not possible, but if we build the interior using another SU for each part of the ship, make it a epic journey for others to experience and visualise
What do you think?
@marian said:
@iichiversii said:
Exactly, this is beautiful, it looks like a ship that could work in the real world and the texture is fantastic, I love it
I agree it looks beautiful but I have doubts about real world applications.Well we wont just use real world applications, we need to think future applications also but making it recognisable at first sight, like when you look at an object it will be futuristic but the object is recognisable too if you get my meaning.
Ok this is only an idea for the project, obviously what you see here is only an interpetation of the ship, watch the animation and take note each componant appears repersents a part of the interior which is constructed to scale and place in another SU so that it doesnt clutter the entire project, remember this is only an example, from the start of the animation take it that the orange object which appears first is a repersentation of the ships hull
Its in the link which follows
I also added different coloured men to repersent levels of clearance, for the ship to be designed well not everyone on board has access to the entire ship, if that were the case we would have all sorts in the engine room, bridge and so on, so taught would have to go into the interior design, down to restrictions for crews entitlements on clearance