Are you an animator like me?
Yo, Izzy here. I'm using SketchUp in my college courses, but my major isn't architecture or's digital effects and animation, like movies and cartoons and stuff. Are there any more on the SketcUcation Forums like me? If you are, please tell me! I'd love to meet more animators like m'self.
Thank ya'll (I'm Southern, can ya tell?
Iv being using sketchup to do animations using characters and so on, not the ideal tool for it but you can view some of my work by looking into my previous posts and my blog, failing to animate in SU iv used my concepts and trying to imply them into an app for mobile devices, currently under preproduction, but because of the lack of quads in designing characters in SU I will need to model them again using either 3D Max, Cinema4D, Blender and so on, iv managed to animate characters using a modified method in SU, I have a short clip in 1 of my posts, but it took me quite a long time to get any progression in animating in SU, I suggest learning a different 3D software like Blender which is designed for animations, I myself haven't learnt blender but I wish I had as SU was the wrong tool, have you done any animations in SU you would like to share?