Modeling and rendering (update 2013.08.02)[watch last page]
Nice work Edvinas. Very clean.
nice stuff! would you tell us something about times renderings and the shaders ??
Very nice. My one critique would be that the floor boards look oversized.
Very well done!
Thanks everyone for kind words!
fabiorossi, firstly, big thank you. About rendering times. Each one scene took about 3hours of rendering(size about 3000x1600), except the bedroom one, which is about 2hours. I am using a laptop(i7, 8Gb ram, 2gb video).
Shaders. Well, I don't actually know what it means
But if I am right, it's a texture which is reflected. I was using them only on wood materials. Also on wood I have been using desatured reflection maps. Some images to make it more clear:
Daniel, I don't know why, maybe bacause wide images or big resolusion give you a feeling of oversized boards, but they are really in good size, just checked
Anyway, thank you!
Oh, nice to see you here, Edvinas
hi edenux, great renders
. fun is i thought you are alvis
Nice clock, did you design it?
Where is the building located?
Very good looking render.
looks good
i wish i could learn how to do that kind of rendering
excellent rendering. so happy to see you again here.
Beautiful...can't see anything that doesn't look perfect!
Thanks again, so many people I know is there! Lucky to be here
jarynzlesa, hello, I saw a comment of yours in alvis post when you called him with my name. The true is revealed
Roger, the design of clock is not mine, I just googled and modeled. To be honest, the building is only in my mind
but I was thinking it to be in Italy, near one of the largest lakes
irwanwr, I am in progress of making a complete tutorial for creating these renders. But I am only creator, not distributor. You will be able to buy it I think
Thank you all!
ArchEden(edenux) -
OK, where is your mind located?
I think I would give the wood on end of the kitchen cupboard in the first image, another sand and a bit of wood filler and re-oil it.
Jealous much!!
Really amazing work
I especially like the wood flooring, it looks just like what I would put in my dream home.
Theres are very strong illustrations. One of my only critiques is that the white balance in the images look a bit off (too yellowish)..ignore me if thats the look you are going for, but I think that would help make the images brighter and pop more. Good work though.
people in my village would probably ask, "how could that thing even stand?"
Hi friends. I am posting my last render. Planing to update it, because the result is not like I expected. Any comments and critics?
Sketchup + v-ray + ps.