38 Gun Frigate L`Aurore
Simply stunning work! Out of curiosity, what game are you building her for that can handle that amount of detail? I have built 3 ships from this era myself, a 20 gun american schooner, a 22 gun french corvette, and a 40 gun french frigate, all built from plans of real ships. They are intended for this mod for the original pirates of the carribean game http://www.moddb.com/mods/new-horizons though unfortunately im struggling with learning texturing and whatnot, but ill see them sail yet. anyways, enough about that, if you are at all interested L'Aurore would make an excellent addition to the mod, though much of the rigging detail would need to be cut down to make the ship manageable(The lag would be terrible otherwise)
Oh and as far as plans for new ships go, I would recommend checking out the National Maritime Museum in London's ship plans collection. http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections.html#csearch;searchTerm=*;authority=true;collectionGroup=subject-90352;collection=subject-90352
It includes ships from nations other than England as well, and is really an inexhastable rescource, there must be thousands of plans to choose from -
@armstrong said:
They are intended for this mod for the original pirates of the carribean game http://www.moddb.com/mods/new-horizons though...
interesting. what kind of game is that?
@unknownuser said:
Oh and as far as plans for new ships go, I would recommend checking out the National Maritime Museum in London's ship plans collection. http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections.html#csearch;searchTerm=*;authority=true;collectionGroup=subject-90352;collection=subject-90352
It includes ships from nations other than England as well -
It is a PC game, a single-player RPG to be specific, released by Akella in 2003. somehow people have kept modding it since then, so a ton of improvements and new content have accumulated over time.
i see. thank you for the info.
thought that kind of game was only made by Disney in Pirate of Caribbean.
or, did i just say the same game here? Akella or Disney?
2.2 GB of download -
Well Disney was Involved, but the game was meant to be the sequel to seadogs and was taken over by Diseny at the last minute and they addded in some POTC realted stuff so the title would attract buyers. It is still a solid game though, but is improved alot by the mod. 2.2 GB is a fair bit, but if its worth it in my opinion (of course you need to have the POTC game already) Anyways I dont want to take this thread off topic.
Thanks Guys, @ Armstrong , to build a ship you will need abit more than what is provided on that site, for this ship I have over 100 seperate Drawings. the Less drawings ,the more guesswork
and yes my cousin has been trying to get me to import my mods into the Pirates of the Carribbean game for some time now, But Vehicle simulator Framework just looks so much better, even though it doesnt support Ropes or moving sails, its far more realistic.
The Rigging isnt really poly heavy, its the guns that are the killer, they are around 30k and right now im getting 40fps in open sea so im happy
Gundeck at Quarters complete and in game, Windows done along with Stern Windows that can be opened and Closed.
@unknownuser said:
so when do you start modeling Errol Flynn or Russell Crowe?
make that Russell Crowe, please
she looks great! ah, well the guideline I have followed for POTC is to keep my ships under 100000 triangles, but mine dont include interiors, and arent quite as detailed as this one. I dont know how close to that this ship is, but its only a guidline. I guess with this amount of detail 100 different drawings might be neccessary, but considering I have already built 3 ships with only 4 plans each(bodyplan, profile, plan, and sailplan-basically what is on that website) I cant say I agree with you on that point. Though I dont include items like captstans, guns, wheel, deadeyes, bell, etc in that count, which I built from standard royal navy designs for use in all my ships. There are plenty of plans to build the hull of a ship on that site, though ill admit sailplans are harder to find. However, with enough research and knowledge of the era guesswork can turn out alright. where did you get 100 drawings for this one? I know its based of chapman's frigate illustrated in plate 33 of his book, and the sailplan and such probably came from the HMS Ajax model kit based off of it, but that is still less than 100, unless you include the fittings in that count. (At one time I considered building a ship using some of the same plans as this one, so thats why I know so much about it)
Your screenshot certainly do look good!
but in POTC you can have battles and sail your ship anywhere in the carribean, and theres other ships from the era too. The guns could be replaced (for POTC) with low poly models we use for new ships that are 650 triangles(270 polys) each. Anyways I hope you consider it! you wouldnt even have to get her in the game, im sure someone would go to the trouble of converting the files and the like, and I would do it myself as soon as all my own projects are finished.
That is simply amazing, I would very much like to know how you made the ship's hull? I have tried several times to model one myself but so far it did not exactly work out as I wanted. Then again, I did not use any real reference, as my intention is to model "fantasy" ships, but in a relatively realistic way. You can see my first and only ship model here: http://sketchup.google.com/3dwarehouse/details?mid=9e6b654818d10f3235a0cded8b1ae711
The ship's hull was made in a rather simple way: I drew the profile of the lower part, used the "follow me"-tool to extrude it circularly and erased the upper half. It worked, but I am not entirely happy with it.
Although this ship model was by no means meant to be realistic in any other way than that I based it on what I know about galleons and other sailing vessels (not much, but I have been fascinated by them for all my life and had been assembling plastic model kits of them as a teenager) this model has already attracted the interest of several other people who wanted to use it for different purposes, one even used it in a book about naval archeology, which really puzzled me.
So it certainly can't be that bad but I am not quite happy with it myself and I am also interested in doing ships with interior, such as yours. But I don't know how to
Any general tips for that, maybe? I hope I am not annoying you with my question and would very much appreciate your help. I am not very active with Sketchup at the moment, but I intend to be again, soon.Sorry for any language errors, I am from Germany and even though I have been studying English for some time now at university, I know that I am still not perfect.
Thanks Guys
@ Armstrong, her exterior is under 100k, I think its in the region of around 60k, the guns are the killers, they are around 1200 polys each excluding the ropes and blocks.
The Book I used for my interior layout and some fittings ( the 100 page book ) is The Anatomy of the ship Pandora, being a very similar frigate in Size and Shape, I decided to adapt her interior to fit mine, Although Chapmans drawings are close to this, it was not Chapman`s design as far as I know, The exterior is from the plans "Ajax" 1765, a set of drawings I obtained somewhere online years ago for a static kit, It might be chapmans Im not sure, I havnt looked at his drawings since I made HMS Artemis from his designes.
I hardly have enough time to get her going in 1 sim, theres no way Ill have time to learn another and adapt it accordingly.@ Pherim, Your model looks great, but yes I see what you mean with the hull, a accurate hull is easy however, like a wooden "plank on frame" model, its pretty much the same procedure in 3d, Keel, Ribs , then planks. Ive attached a trawlers hull as an example, start by making the keel in 2d from the side view, extrude it to its width according to the profile view, Group it and hide it. Next draw each of the rib lines using only vertices and edges, group each rib seperately, the rotate them all and fit them to theyre numbers or lines on the side view (remember not to move the ribs on the Y axis when fitting them to the keel) then explode all the ribs and connect the verts
, there are many other ways of making a hull of course but I find this to be quick and easy, and the amount of poly`s is up to you.
This is similar to a way I tried to do but as I said before, I did it without any reference. I will try that some time soon. Thank you very much for your help!
Very well, she is probably too detailed anyway if that 60,000 is for the hull only. if not I have gun models that would knock 35,340 polys off the overall count for the game,and I could try to get it ingame myself, but I understand if you dont want that. The HMS Ajax model kit is based off of this chapman design:
Happy modeling! -
Axeonalias that is friggin awesome! All that was modeled with Sketchup?